Chapter 9

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Paul got goosebumps of the words he just heard. He stared at the other in disbelief and stepped a bit closer. "Would you mind?"John had asked with a straight face. Paul could just shake his head. "Then what's holding you back?" Nothing. Nothing was the answer Paul gave John in his mind before taking the older's face into his hands and placing his lips on his friend's.

It was longer than a 'quick peck' but couldn't count as a real kiss. Still, for both of the lad's it meant the world. They just didn't know yet but what they had no one around them had.

"Good enough, I guess it's your turn now, Paul." Ringo stand in the door frame making the two jump. Ringo giggled and they went to George's room.

Back at George's room, Paul had  asked John "Truth or dare?" To which the Auburn haired boy responded:"Dare" Paul thought. He was very bad at giving dares, John knew that. Like he knew everything else about Paul. "I dare you to hm, dance?" It sounded more like a question but the bloke didn't care he stood up and began to dance.

They all watched him amused. Especially Paul couldn't stop smiling at the lad's moving.

I wonder if  I will ever have the opportunity to dance with him. Maybe on prom? We'd look like the biggest dorks but we wouldn't care 'cause the only one, we'd care about would be the other.

"Paul how long do I have to do this." John questioned as he danced a bit slower. Paul snapped out of his little imagination. "Uh, you can stop now." The lad stopped, relieved and sat down again."Truth or dare George?"

The four lads played a few more rounds until they thought, it was time for bed. Well, three of them thought so.

"C'mon how old are you all?" John crossed his arms in front of his chest. "John, it's almost 1 am." Ringo stated. "Thanks Rich, I can read the clock." He earned annoyed sighs and gave one in response. "You guys are so boring. Macca you agree though right?"Paul looked up. He looked at him for a few seconds. "No, sorry." John scoffed."You all suck." He answered and took his pajama bottoms.

As Paul lied down on the little mattress he shared with no one else but John, of course. George always wanted to sleep next to Ringo for whatever reason. He always said I'm mumbling and John just takes too much space for himself.

However, Paul couldn't fall asleep with the thought of John being mad at him, raising up in his mind. He turned around to face his back. Seemingly sad he patted John. "Johnny?" The other groaned. "I'm sorry John."  His opened his eyes slowly. "It's fine Paul just go to sleep."He said, still sounding lind of upset. "I really am."Paul whispered back. He patted John's back again. "Go to sleep."

A pair of arms embraced John from behind. He flushed madly, feeling Paul squeezing him slightly. He wanted to feel this every night. He wanted it so badly. But soon Paul felt embarrassed and pulled away. Fuck. I have to tell him.

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