Chapter 16

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"John are you alright?" Mimi asked concerned. The woman wasn't one of the soft kind, though hearing her nephew sob made her heart break into a many pieces sometimes.

He didn't respond. Instead, he started sobbing even harder. Mimi didn't hesitate for long and opened the door. She sat next to the crying teenager and patted his hair slightly.

"Get out." John mumbled into the pillow. His aunt frowned and gave him a quick slap on the back of his head."If you're already doing such drama at least tell me what's wrong."

Why can't she just leave me alone? I appreciate her concern but in times like this I just wanna be alone...

"It's nothing." John genuily wished what he just had said would be true. Just like Paul, Mimi could always tell when he was lying. "John tell me the truth."

Why though. What could you say that'd make me feel better? Right now I just wanna cry alone by myself. Is that too much to ask?

"Mimi please.." The sad boy couldn't finish his sentence. She sighed and decided to simply shrug it off.

"He's a pain in the arse." She quietly mumbled to herself as she walked out of John's room.

After she left, John put on some vinyl records and let the tears roll down his face.

Why am I even crying about something that happened months ago? I'm such a fool. Poor Paul, he's simply perfect and I'm just a piece of garbage he's carrying around..

"One day I feel so happy, next day I feel so sad.I guess I'll learn to take the good with the bad.."

John sang quietly along to the lyrics of the song he was just listening to. He thought it summed up his current state pretty well.

"'Cause ever night I ask the stars up above, why must I be a teenager in love?"

Why must I be a teenager in love?

Hey Lover! - Mclennon حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن