Chapter 12

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"Paul come out of the fucking bathroom already!"Mike, the youngest of the McCartney-household shouted, at the other side of the wooden door."In a minute!"Paul responded.

He brushed his hair now for the 15th time. The reason the young lad was so nervous, was that in less than 10 minutes he'd be going on a date with no other than John Lennon. Yes, the John Lennon who kept him awake all night and alive all day. He could never have expected this to happen to him.

"Paul, I swear to god!" Paul snapped out of his thoughts and opened the door, revealing an angry Mike in front of him. "Oh, sorry little brother I just-" He couldn't finish his sentence, as Mike had already shoven him out of the way.

"Don't mind him, you know he's got his phases. You look great by the way."Jim told his son, proudly. "I bet the girl your taking out is gonna be stunned." He continued. "Yeah about that-" The sound of a knock on the door interrupted him and he opened it quickly. As the vision of a young teddy boy with greasy hair and rather tight jeans apeared in front of them, Paul gave his father a nervous little smile. The man grinned and simply said:"Have fun boys!" He laughed loudly, waving happily at them as they did the same.

Outside John and Paul had a quick chit chat until they stopped at a small raustraunt.

Each one of them took a seat. Eventually after a few minutes, a waitress approached their table."Hello gentlemen, what can I do for you?" She asked politely."Um, I'll take the salad." Paul answered her. The middle-aged woman rode it down quickly glancing at John. "I'll take the mashed potatoes." He told her and in no time she got to the kitchen.

"How're your mashed potatoes John?" Paul stared at him. "Not as good as yours, love." John replied half jokingly. "Pfft as if I wouldn't know."Paul then answered, crossing his arms. "How's your salad?"The older asked calmly. "Good."Paul responded awkwardly.

The thing was, that they had already known almost everything about each other, so there was nothing interesting to talk about. Well, except this one Stuart topic but they both knew it wouldn't be a good idea to bring that up.

Oh damn it, this is a disaster. John's probably so bored by now. What can I do? Perhaps after all it isn't meant to be and we're good as friends. No, I promised myself to not think like that. John asked me out, means he likes me more than normal mates do so I shouldn't worry about it.

"Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end." Paul rememberd the wise  words John had told him once. He always remembered them in times of trouble. And usually, they helped quite much. And definitely this time.

Paul leaned forward and enjoyed his salad peacefully while John glanced at him admiringly. Once they both finished John paid the bill and they left the small raustrant.
Remember when I said I'll try better next time? Well I failed. Anyways hope you enjoyed! :)

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