♕ S I X T E E N ♕

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I never knew getting ready to go to the airport would be full of emotion.  Somehow, I felt disappointed because I’ll be missing prom.  It was supposed to be after it, slight changes happened.  It feels weird to be going back even though it’s only 3 weeks.  Maybe, this is the time that I can forget about everything that happened.  I want to start fresh, like the first time I lay my foot on Florida grounds, but with guy best friends alongside of me.  I know it-there will be more things that are opt to change.  I guess that I should just be ready. Hold up that thought for a little while- I heard my phone ring.  I looked at it and saw Connor’s I.D. showing, without hesitation, I picked it up.

“Hello?”  It wasn’t Connor’s voice who spoke on the other end which made me feel worried.  Everything fell into place- my heart started beating fast, my mind went delirious, I can’t even think straight. “It’s Toby,” that was all it took. “I heard you we’re leaving today.  Connor said you we’re,” Oh, so now he cares.

“Cut to the chase Toby,” I said coldly, remorse washed over me.  I’ve never been this type of person.  “What time are you going to leave?” he said tint of hope in his voice.  “4 hours,” I said not bothering to put much effort into making this a proper conversation.

“Give me 3 hours to show you why and the remaining hour for you to decide if you should go or not,” he said then he hung up.  Immediately the doorbell rang, confused I went down only to find Toby’s long board with a bright neon pink note stuck to it.

‘I know you’re all packed up and dressed. School’s open, check under the seat where we 'officially met.

P.S. Take my board, you’ll need it =)


I didn’t know what I’ve gotten myself into.  The next thing I know I was grabbing my trainers and skating to school.

I walked through the halls, reminiscing the times where I was frazzled on the first day.  I slowly walked to Room 159 where History was.  I went inside and Mr. White was in the room. 
“What might you be doing here Ms. Adams?” He asked.  “Uhm… Toby said-“  but he cut me off.  “Never mind, just proceed,” he motioned me to go inside and do whatever I had to do.

I went straight to my chair and looked over and under it but I found nothing.  Confused, I scooted over to Toby’s seat to somehow find something but to my luck, none. Frustrated, I was about to run out of the room but Mr. White stopped me.  “Ms. Adams, this is what you we’re looking for right?” He handed me the same bright neon pink sticky note.  “He’s a keeper, just to let you know.  You’re the first too,” he said smiling and I thanked him and walked out.

‘If you’re reading this I guess that you’ve found it.

Reason #1: I got scared that maybe one day, you’ll find some other boy and forget about me.

Don’t leave because…

…remember when I kicked your seat?  I just wanted to draw your attention because I found you cute.

Next stop: Starbucks just say my name to the barista’

I left earlier than expected.  I wasted almost an hour staying in school and it will take me much more than that to get to Starbucks.  To which I felt like it took me a decade to reach that place, I’m glad I got there with 10 minutes to spare.  One more stop or maybe two more till this is all over.  I walked in and went straight to the barista and said Toby’s name and they all smiled at me and a lady handed me a cup of my go to drink at the moment, Nutella Frappucino.  They handed me a little card after.  “One lucky girl, you are miss,” she said smiling at me and I smiled back.  I went out of the shop reading the note.

‘Stop 2 accomplished aye?

Reason numero dos: I was a jerk, I got jealous. You know what I mean.

Don’t leave because…

… You bring the brightest smiles to my face every time I look at you.

Next Stop: Ask the dude in front of you, I know you well enough that you’re not looking where you’re going,’

I looked up to see Riley smiling at me.  No, grinning like a complete psycho at me.

“I bet you’re tired of long boarding around town.  So, as a surprise, I’ll be driving you to the third and final stop,” he said as I plopped down on the ground extending my arms out for him to carry me to the car.  He shook his head and went with it.

We passed by houses and streets that I didn’t get to see before.  Until, I saw one distinct place thing that caught my eye.  We were heading to the park.

“Go to the place where we usually hang out besides the house he said,” looking over at me.  “You know I don’t want you to leave Mick,” he said sadness over flowing.  “I know,” I simply stated.  He stopped the car and went out to open my door.  I got out and he said that we’ll see each other soon. 

I went to the old tree where I saw a tall boy wearing my favorite red flannel.  I awkwardly walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.  Instead he looked at me and handed me a note, a card.

‘Reason #3: I didn’t want to hurt you

Don’t leave because…

…I fell for you

I’m sorry’

That was all it said, I looked up to Toby to see his watery-glass tainted eyes that it’s evident he cried the night before.

“I never got a chance to really explain myself to you.  I was afraid that you would think of me differently because you got the messages Paige and I sent to each other.  I knew that gave you a hint.  I got jealous of Paul and how others can make you smile and that how I wanted it to be always me who does that.  I got scared that I’ll lose you before all of this and during.  I’m sorry,” he said and he slowly knelt down.  Toby kneeling down, I pulled him up making him stand.

“I know,” I spoke, not even thinking straight.  “I would do the same thing to.  You know why?” I asked him. “Because I fell, not for any other guy out there- but for the one standing in front of me right now.  Thank you for caring, for protecting me, for breaking me, for mending me.   It might sound odd but that explanation was all I needed,” I said and without any other words he launched at me and hugged me, and I did.  “I feel like I failed being your best friend, being your partner in our day to day journey.  I felt so unwanted especially with what you did.  I’m sorry, Toby.  I sound stupid right now. Come one, look at me.   All along this crazy path we called life, I’ve never been lucky enough to have some fortune, or what-so-ever you call it,”

“Don’t say that.  Look me straight in the eyes Mick,” he tilted my head up.  “You may not be lucky enough in this messed up world we’re in but you don’t see it do you?  You may think you’re unwanted, left behind, but look around you, look at me.  You’re the best thing that ever happened to me.  I’m sorry, if I could redo everything all over again, I would because losing you is the last thing on my list.  No, it never was,” He said making me quiver and uneasy, butterflies filled my stomach and continued to twist into knots.  I forgave him even before any of these because I was willing to let everything go.  I guess this is the feeling of loving someone that you can’t even stay mad at them no matter how screwed up the situation gets.  “Are you still going to leave?”

“I’m sorry for this,” I said and his expression saddened.  “Tell Joan and my mom, I might be bringing 3 more carry-ons along with me to Vancouver, if you’re up for it,” I said smiling and so did he while nodding.

“You love me?”  He asked.

“What about you?  I asked.

“I never stopped,” we said in unison.


Sorry it's a bit late.  I've been busy because school's almost out and I'm trying my best to prioritize things.  -Tish

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