♕ T W O ♕

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            It was 7:30 am, I was casually sitting on our porch waiting for the truck that was delivering our shipped extra things.  I decided to admire the neighborhood. It was quiet, wind slightly blowing. It was perfect.  Then, I heard a loud honk, the truck.  I went inside to call my mom who was cooking and went down to call my dad down at the basement getting some things started.

            Once we were all outside, my dad signed the paperwork needed and I found my mom talking to someone across the street while I help bring some boxes down from the truck.  She came back with I smile while I was still carrying stuff down and placing it on the front yard and told me something very important but bummed me out.

            “Honey, I talked to the neighbor and she said that there’s a school nearby where her kids go.  So, I was thinking of calling them and ask if you could go there since it was only the start of the semester.”  She said.

            “That sounds awesome, Hon.   I agree with your mom, Sweetie.  You should go there and make some friends,” my Dad said while placing the last box down.  I thought for a minute but then realized that I had no choice.  “Fine.” I said to finish the conversation.

            “Okay, I’ll go inside and call the head of the school.   Mick, bring your things up to your room, Okay?” my mom said.   I just shrugged and went to work.

            I went inside and out again carrying tons of things for the living room  first, for the kitchen, and tools for the garage.  It took me a couple of hours.  I went inside to take a break.  It’s 12 noon and I still have heaps of boxes needed to bring inside before dark.

            “Mick, I called the school and they said they’d love to have you there.  You’re going to start tomorrow.  I’ll be going out to buy the things you need, okay? Bye, Mick,” My mom suddenly came out of nowhere and startled me.

            “Yey…. Ugh” I said while going out to get the last couple boxes for my room.

            I was picking up the last box for my room and suddenly I heard shouting and laughing, eh, maybe singing too. “Riley!” I heard a blonde dude call someone with the glasses.  So he’s Riley.  

“Shut up we have new neighbors, Connor!” he shouted back. 

Connor, nice name, for a guy with cute blue eyes.  I decided to look at them a little longer and I saw someone staring back at me.  A Young boy, maybe around 15or 16?  With brown puppy dog eyes.  It’s easy to say he didn’t wear green lensed rayban glasses like that Riley dude, which made his eyes noticeable.  He kept looking at me, I was pretty sure I was as red as tomato.  Come on, how can you not?  He’s tall, cute, has nice eyes, and I have got to say, I’m pretty sure he’s the one I heard singing.   I kept looking at him.  Still, I know he noticed me staring because I saw him giggled and waved “Hi”.  I froze , wide-eyed about what he did, and waved back.  He turned away and walked inside their house while I ran back inside.

            My room is fixed and looks like a teenage room now which is pretty impressive of me to have brought up every single thing from the lawn and back up. I decided to lie in bed for a couple of minutes thinking about the boy I saw across the street.  He’s so cute. Is that even possible? And tall, too!  Around 5”11 or so?  Man! That boy, I’m here dealing with 5” to 5”1 height range while he’s got the genes.  Oh my god, my mind is going crazy right now.  Haha.

            I was snapped out of my daze from that boy.  Wait,  is he the one my mom was talking about earlier?  I doubt it.  I will start school tomorrow which adds up to my list of worries.  I just laid there for a couple more minutes thinking of the things that happened within the two days of being in Florida.

            I left Vancouver for Florida, took a 5 hour plane ride, and left everything behind. How much worse can this get? And by that, I have school tomorrow.  Well, at least it got slightly better.  I moved to a new neighborhood, with the environment as I expected. Besides, I saw a cute boy today. That reminded me of Paige’s question, should I tell her now or should I wait?

            I was sitting at the dinner’s table waiting for the food that mom made, which is a whole lot better than eating Chinese food for breakfast and lunch the whole day, even snacks! Anyway, I decided to call Paige through Skype after eating dinner.  Besides, she told me call her after I settled in so what’s the rush.  While eating dinner, we talked about how I was doing, and how was I taking the huge change.  I was an emotional wreck yesterday and the day before that because of this but I have to admit it got slightly better.  We ended up finishing dinner around 8 pm.

            I took off my make up for the day, got into the shower and changed into my pyjamas for a bit more comfort. Who would even wear jeans to bed anyway. I opened my laptop which was almost dangling at the edge of my bed almost going to fall and video called Paige.

            “ MICKAELLAAAAAAA! ” I knew my parents heard that from across the hall. I had to admit that we didn’t have nice reception for a few minutes.  We talked about what happened at school.  Like, how the 7th grade nerd before, became the prom king as she said, which was a total shocker.  She told me how my past professors missed me during class.  How they thought I’d finish junior high there. Yes, I am 15 and in Junior High.  What? I started early.

            We got into chatting more until she finally brought up the question I was waiting for her to ask.

            “So did you find any cute boys around there?”

            “Now that you mentioned it… I did, he lives across the street.  Maybe around 15? 16? He has this cute puppy dog eyes and a cute smile and OMG he waved at me today.  I kind of stared at him for a good… I don’t know 2-3 minutes?” Whoah I can’t believe I said that but wait it doesn’t stop there. “I think he has 2 older brothers judging by the looks of it earlier and I don’t know I kind of got this weird feeling when I saw him.”

            “ OMG, MICK, DID I EVEN HEAR YOU CORRECTLY OR AM I JUST DREAMING?  YOU LIKE THE BOY YOU JUST SAW AND HOW MANY DAYS HAVE YOU BEEN IN FLORIDA? OH YEA, A DAY AND A HALF!” she said that at the top of her voice.  Man, this girl is serious when it comes to boys.

            “I didn’t  say I like him, I said I found him adorably cute. Now stop! Besides, I got more things to think about, like the first day of school tomorrow.”

            “Oh come on, Mick! This is the first time you found an actual boy who isn’t Niall Horan, cute.  Oh wait, I think the correct word you used was ‘ADORABLY CUTE’.” This girl knows what she’s talking about. She’s right maybe I should give it a shot, he is the first boy ever who I found cute besides Niall so I might as well go along with it, right?

             “ Yeah, yeah, I got your point.  So, how are things going with Scott?” I decided to divert the topic to Paige’s closest boy friend.  It’s kind of getting awkward and all. This is the first time I talked to Paige about an actual boy. “Wait! Before you answer that, did I tell you he has an angelic voice? I heard him singing some song and it was perfect!”

            “No, you didn’t mention it but really?!” she freaked out when I told her that.

            “ Yes, now stop it’s your turn! ANSWER MY QUESTION!”

             We talked for 3 hours straight I think and I still haven’t stopped. I check my side table clock, “11:00”.

            “Paige, I got to go. I have school tomorrow. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, I guess?  The time zone’s 3 hours apart. So bye, love ya!” I said.

            “Bye, Mick, Good luck tomorrow! Love you, too!” she said then hung up.

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