♕ O N E ♕

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            I was woken up by the music ringing throughout my room, my alarm.  I reached for it with a groan to check, 6:30!  Great! Only a couple of hours more and I’ll be off to a new country where my dad got a new job.  Orlando, why does it have to be there?  I’ll leave everything behind here, my best friend Paige, memories I’ve made that I surely won’t forget.  I’ll leave everything in Vancouver to move to a new home and school in Florida.  You can tell that I had no say in any of these which makes me more upset than I have ever been.

            I decided to sit up and look through my window.  Dull rays of sunshine peek through while I move the curtains to the side.  I take in every bit of detail, from houses, trees, clouds, people walking by, everything.  I can’t believe I’m leaving.

            My phone rang, snapping me out of my emotional daze.  I check to see who it is.  Paige was calling.  I reached for it and accepted the call.

“I’LL MISS YOU MICK!” That was the first words I hear from her, along with sobs, which was pretty obvious she was crying.  And I, myself was tearing up, too.

“Pey! I still have 10 or more hours before I leave!  Good morning, by the way haha.  Oh, and I’ll miss you more.  Starbucks run in 15?  Meet ya’ outside!”  I hung up and took a shower and chose some decent clothes for the day, a black muscle tee with a pair of skinny jeans and some Converse. Perfect.

Once I got down the stairs, I was greeted by my mom and dad from the kitchen.

“Good Morning, Sweetie! You’re going out with Paige?” Mom asked.

“G’morning, Uh, Yeah, we’re going to Starbucks for breakfast.” I said.

“Okay, be home by 12.  You still have to pack.  We’re leaving at 3.” And as she said that I grabbed my bag from the coat rack and I was out the door once she finished.

I started walking to Paige’s house, with a pair of headphones stuck on my ears.  One Direction was blasting through it.  Yes, I am a fan.  I was two blocks away when suddenly someone from behind pulled by bag and yelled “Boo!” which caused me to yell so loud that people passing by gave me weird glares.  I turned around and see my best friend Paige, laughing her butt off because of what she did.  I was so annoyed but decided to shrug it off.  It’s our last day together and I don’t want to ruin that.  I pulled her arm and called a cab.

While we were in the cab, Paige casually scrolled through her phone but then brought up a very random topic.

“When you go to Florida… don’t forget to find cute boys, okay?”  She absolutely said that with a serious face.  “What the hell? Where did that come from?”  I asked jokingly but left her hanging.

We got out of the cab and went inside to buy some drinks and headed out for a long walk.  We passed the public beach, two different parks which were pretty tiring.  Time check: 9:45.  In less than 3 hours I’ll start packing.

We arrived at the mall and Paige dragged me to the nearest clothing store, Aeropostale. Why? Because of “Bethany Mota clothing line”.  It’s very obvious she adores her.

“Mick, about my question, it was just a random thought. But seriously, maybe you’ll find your first official boyfriend in Orlando.”  She shrugged.  “I doubt it but maybe I’ll stroll past Disneyland and bump into my prince charming,” I sarcastically said.  With that, Paige gave me a death glare.

“ Ooohhh try this!”  She handed me a white casual dress, with a knitted cardigan. Bethany Mota.  I looked at her intently.  “I don’t have any money for this,” I said.

“It’s my gift to you.  Besides, you’ll never know when you’ll need that,” she said.  Perky, I decided to agree with everything she said but ended up buying tons of clothes.  How will this fit in my suit case? I DON’T REALLY KNOW.

It took us about 2 hours to shop then we headed home.  “Skype or Facetime me when you settled in okay?” she said on the verge of crying.  “Of course,” I said forcing a smile.  “Are you going to come with us to the airport later?”

“Yes. My mom said we should all go.” 

“Okay. I’ll see you later”.  We stopped in front of our house and Paige ran off.

I walked straight to my room and started packing.  Once finished, I went down carrying 3 bags at once and placed them in the car, which continued for a good hour or so.   I went back inside to get the last box that was sitting in my room.  As I was about to pick it up, I saw a picture frame with me and Paige at the beach.  I sat down on my bed staring at it and began shedding tears.  Lots of things flashed through my mind but that was cut off by a knock on my door.  My mom.

“Honey, we have to go or we’ll  miss the plane.”

“I’m coming.” I placed the frame inside my hand bag and brought the last box down.

We reached the airport at around 3.  We took a two hour drive and I was so exhausted.  Everyone said their goodbyes before we went inside which left Paige and I.

“Don’t forget about me okay?” she said crying.

“And why would I do that?” I asked trying to make her smile.  “I’ll miss you so much Pey.”  I hugged her tightly and decided to let all the tears fall.  We hugged each other tightly for a minute before we let each other go.

“Don’t forget to reach me through Facetime once you settled in, okay? Bye, Mick!!” she said crying.

“I won’t, I promise.  Bye, Paige. I’ll miss you so much. ”

Check-in counter done, everything checked.   I took one last look behind my shoulder and went inside the connecting tube.  We settled on our seats and waited before take-off. It took around a solid 20 minutes and we’re off.  I checked my side window and looked down on Vancouver.  I exhaled every breath I was keeping in and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up by my dad tapping my shoulder.  “Honey, sit up, we’re about to land.” And I did. “What time is it?” I asked groggily.

“Around 10 pm.” I just nodded.

A minute or so later, touch down.  Orlando, Florida. I hope this works out as expected.

The cab ride was as long as the plane ride but I guess it was about 2 hours? Ugh.  To make it worse, all off our things were being shipped and it wasn’t going to arrive until tomorrow.  Please kill me now.

We arrived at our house 12 am.  Great. It was cozy, furnished already, I didn’t want to take it all in so quick, so I went straight to my said room and just flopped on the bed without even bothering to change clothes and just drifted off to a dreamless sleep with one thing on my mind.

Orlando is where I live now.

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