Chapter 13

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It is currently 5:15 on Friday night. I'm supposed to be picking Elle up for our date in exactly forty-five minutes. 

Wait. Date? 

I guess so. 

Kara has convinced me to wear semi-nice clothes. They aren't that nice, but they give off a good look, so it works. For me, at least.

Kara is sitting on my bed as I am gathering my things, and waiting until it is time to leave. She's on her phone texting someone, probably Elle. I wonder deeply about exactly who she is texting, but I don't ask. I'm not one of those people. 

''What time is it?'' I ask Kara, fully hoping its time to leave.

''Time for you to go get Elle.''

''Yeah, yeah... What time is it really?'' I can't be late. I won't be late.

''Almost 5:40,'' she responds, looking rarefully cheerful. She hasn't been the same recently. It's been getting worse. Tommorow, I'm supposed to take her to get proffessionally diagnosed, whatever that means. 

She's nervous, I can tell. Either about tommorow, or today. Maybe even both. 

~ ~ ~

I'm standing infront of Elle's door, with flowers in my hands, which are shaking. I haven't rang the doorbell yet, I'm only resting my hand on the wall beside it. 

''Okay...'' I mumble under my breath, and press the button. The door opens almost immediatly, with Elle standing on the other side of it. It's almost as if she was standing on the other side of it, waiting... 

''Hi!'' She's smiling, and holding a small purse in her hands, instead of it hanging over her shoulder. Elle's brown hair has been curled. It looks good on her. 

''Hi,'' I say, handing her the pink flowers. Carnations, to be exact. Apparently they're Elle's favorite. ''I got you these flowers...I uh, hope you like them.'' 

''I love them,'' She says grabbing them and setting them down on a table beside the doorway.

 I can see her Mother and Father coming towards us. I've already met them, several times, actually. Elle has always been Kara's best friend, so I have been around them alot. Kara and I never wanted to be home, and this family treated us as our own. William, the Father shakes my hand. And Lane, the Mother just smiles and talks. At one point both parents glare at me, just so that they can tell me that they would kill me if I broke Elle's heart, without actually telling me. 

''Alright, are you ready?'' I ask, after no one speaks for a brief moment. 

''Yeah, let's go.'' She say's stepping out of the doorway, and closing the door behind her. 

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