Chapter 7

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(Three weeks after the last chapter)

Kara hasn't been herself lately. I don't know how to explain it, but she hasn't been herself. 

Currently I am sitting on my bed, writing a paper for school on a Saturday morning. 

A Saturday morning. 

I hate High School. 

I looked up from my notebook, because my father had began yelling at Kara in the Living room. Apparently she had painted her nails black, and he didn't agree with the color. 

I went into the Living room, and tried to get him to stop yelling. He didn't like that. 

''Jesus Christ, Oliver! I'm just parenting! Let me parent!'' he protested, loudly, then pushing me down to the floor hard. 

Thankfully my mother wasn't home. She doesn't do well when father yells. 

I got up, and looked at him right in the eyes. The room had gone silent. 

''Olly,'' Kara said, moving towards me with her hand out. 

I put my hand out behind me, where Kara was coming towards me from. She backed away.

''No,'' I was at a loss of words. I had nothing else to say to him. I did, but I didn't. He knew. 

''Come on, Kara.'' I said, grabbing her hand, and leaving the house. 

We got into the truck, and I started it. 

We drove away, but we didn't have anywhere to go, so we just drove around town, until we felt we should go home. 

Eventually, we found it was time to go home. Dad would be asleep, so it was perfect timing. 

I went into the house first, and then Kara did behind me. She went straight into the bathroom and took her nail polish off, and then she went outside. 

What was she doing outside?

I opened the door, while she was lighting a cigarette. 

''Kara, what are you doing?'' I asked her, knowing full what she was doing. Was it to help her depression?

''I'm...Smoking?'' She said, taking it out of her mouth to speak. She raised an eyebrow as she spoke. 

''Yeah..Yeah, you are.''

I mean, I can't stop her even if I did, and if I'm being completely honest, I don't know if I want too...

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