Chapter 6

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I don't want to be here. No, I don't want to be here when he's here. I want to leave. We need to leave. 

Kara thinks we haven't left yet because we would be financially unstable. Mom is too scared of Father to do it, she didn't tell me, but I can tell. Kara and I would leave any second, I mean, we technically have. According to my father, my opinion doesn't matter, so I guess you don't need my opinion. 

My heart is racing. It won't stop. It's been racing for an hour, at least. 

I hear the front door open, then close. 

I hear him, my father, walking loudly like usual.

Make no noise. Maybe he won't notice. Me, or Kara. Kara is sitting with me in my room. The door is cracked, and I can hear him walk by. He walks about five feet past my door, then stops. I can tell he is thinking. I hear him take two steps forward. 

Kara lets out the breath she's been holding in. 

All of a sudden he turns around and then comes in the room. He's yelling, and throwing his hands around as he does so. 

My mom came running into the room as soon as he had started yelling.

''Why did you leave? How long have you been back? You shouldn't leave. You're too young to be on your own.'' He yelled all these questions almost as if he loved us. Almost. 

''God,'' he said, rubbing his forehead, then leaving the room, and going to the kitchen to grab a beer from the refrigerator. 

He yelled at us for a total of an hour last night, and he hadn't even had anything to drink yet. Great.

I could hear the sound of him opening his beer, and then drinking it. A lot of it. 

Kara looked at me with a look on her face. A look she's never shown before. 

As time goes by, his yelling, drinking, or abuse towards us, has gotten worse. I don't know why. Maybe it's because he's been around us too much, maybe it's because he's just annoyed by us. Maybe it's both. I guess we will never know. 

Mom and Dad argued the rest of the night, or at least until he passed out. 

Kara had asked me to stay with her that night, she was afraid father might do something. I slept on her bedroom floor with a blanket and pillow. 

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