Chapter 7: SOPURU

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-PSALM 23:4.

Genevieve and Oscar tried to comfort the little ones, assuring them that everything would be alright. The lie that laced those words was conspicuous as I stared at them. They smiled but the joy didn't extend to their eyes. I got lost in the spirals of clay that formed on the ceiling.

"Where are you now? "Are these the plans you have for me?" I whispered.

I chuckled to myself as I remembered how only a few days ago, He used me to heal the sick children at the hospital.

I know the plans I have for you.

I shook my head stubbornly, not ready to listen any of it. If this was His plan for me, I didn't want any part of it.

Plans to give you a good future and prosper you.

I began humming to myself, trying to shut the Holy Spirit out. I decided to evade his voice, turning to Oscar.

"How long have you guys been here?"

"I've been here the longest and it's been the longest week of my life."

"And how many times have they bothered to feed you guys?"

"Once a day."

"If they feed us at least once a day, what happened to the girl that..." I searched the faces around me and spelt out my last word with the movement of my lips. "d-i-e-d."

His jaw tightened. "She was raped." His voice wasn't louder than a whisper.

I shut my eyes unable to imagine the horror. She didn't look any older than I was. There were no limits to these men's heartlessness. I wanted to ask more questions but I didn't want to upset Oscar, so I let him be.

As night fell upon us, I laid awake. I watched the kids sleep, Oscar snoring a few meters away as though nothing scared him anymore. The door confining us opened slightly and someone moved with light steps. The person had a flash light in one hand, searching the room. I watched carefully with an open eye as the person moved around. As the person drew closer, I recognized who it was. The same fear I felt when he abducted me swept over me again. Fear turned to anger and I suddenly wished I wasn't tied up. The wandering light stopped on me and I was face to face with Jide. Once he realized I was awake, he came at me. He taped my mouth with the duct tape I didn't notice he brought in. I squirmed in an attempt to wake someone next to me but no one stirred. It didn't take long for him to lift me over his shoulders effortlessly. I wriggled against him, putting up a fight, but it made no difference.

He took me farther from the other chambers, past their office, past their tech room. I noticed the entrance by the right. No one was in sight as he took me down the hall. Finally, he stopped at a dark and quiet corner, entering a room. The room had a small bulb hanging by its wire from the ceiling. A small table stood in the corner with used metal plates and cutlery. just beside a bed. He set me down carefully on the small, rickety bed.

Crimson colors painted the walls above my head. Finger prints. The blood was fresh and its stench, still present. It was the dead girl's. The monster who stood in front of me killed her. He watched me like a lion ready to devour its prey as he unclothed himself, leaving only his briefs. Hot tears flowed as he inspected my body. He removed the tape from my mouth but his fingers lingered on my face, extending to my neck, then to my chest. I flinched as though his touch scalded my skin.

"Please, don't do this!"

He bent over me and leaned closer to my ears. I could feel his breath against my neck, hot and thick.

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