Chapter 21: David

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"Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good"
-Romans 12:9.

Staring at the ceiling, I couldn't bring myself to sleep even though it was late into the night. As I left Ik's room, I was unable to admit that what I saw was real. My phone vibrated and Olamide's Wo started playing. My alarm for five in the morning. It couldn't have been her. She was gone a long time ago.


I wanted to deceive myself to believe the picture was someone who looked exactly like my sister but I was more convinced when I saw the diamond shaped birthmark on her neck.

I had to figure her purpose of studying at The Crown university. Did she really come to this school to study or for reprisal against me?   I jerked from my bed and grabbed a shirt and my headsets for a jog round the school.

I felt empty  as I treaded on gravels. After completing a rigorous lap, I was sweating profusely. I laid down on a cement bench close to the cafeteria block with my palms to against my chest.

Maybe this was the effect of the jogging or my past crime still hunted me. I heard the haunting voices from high school reminding me of who I was: a selfish, stony hearted boy that abandoned his sister.

"It wasn't my fault. I didn't know it would turn out this way," I muttered.

Everything she went through and still going through is your fault. You had used, broken and jilted a lot of girls thinking you could go scot free.

An eye for an eye. Those girls were also people's sisters. I gave a bitter laugh. God had a funny way of getting back at us. I needed to pay for all my sins and Sopuru paid the price. The thought of my best friend messing with my sister made me grit my teeth. I had to put that bastard in his place. He just had to ruin her by posting her nudes. I increased my pace to the boys' dormitory. I knocked persistently at the door to my friend's room knowing Kayode would be spending the night over because he was avoiding Sopuru in his place. Great opened the door as he rubbed his sleepy eye. "Guy, calm down. Do you want to break down my door?"

I pushed him aside and forced myself in. "Where is he? Where's that son of a —"

"What's the noise about?" Kayode's voice was still laced with sleep.

I lunged at him, gripping his shirt till he was on his feet. His eyes shone with fear and confusion. I wanted to shred him to pieces having met him face to face.

"You had to just mess with my sister, didn't you?"

"What are you talking about?" He grabbed my arms, trying to pull free. His eyes matched my rage. "Let go of—"

With one swift move, I dealt a blow to his face.

Great and his roommates were already at my sides. The quietness had been destroyed and everyone in the room was up. They grabbed at me but I pulled free. Nothing they had to say would stop me from sparing Kayode. He staggered with shock in his eyes. He hurled at me like a crazy rhino but I dodged. I threw a well-aimed punch which landed perfectly on his right eye as he hit the floor with a thud. The boys rushed to him but I felt no iota of remorse as I stood over his unconscious body.

After my investigation from some of the freshers in the nursing department, I discovered that Sopuru went by an entirely different name, Donyen. Where did that come from? I tried to come up with different reasons why she would change her identity but none popped up. How she survived and found a way to this place was still a mystery to me. Thankfully, one of her course mates gave me her room number.

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