Chapter 12: SOPURU

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"For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end"
-Jeremiah 29:11.

"How much farther do we have to walk, Nora?"

"The party is around the corner."

I groaned. We were still surrounded by trees and Jernora expected me to believe we were actually close. I pulled off the heels I borrowed from her. Everything on my body was practically hers except for my chain. Which was still from her. Maybe it was a bad idea going to this night party.

"You said that some minutes ago."

Jernora stopped in her tracks. "Stop whining. I know you are scared but it's not a big deal."

Not a big deal! We were in the middle of nowhere, dressed in short sequin dresses and heels which could break our ankles but she had the audacity to say it wasn't a big deal. We could be kidnapped, robbed or the worst of all... I stopped my thoughts from wandering too far.

"Why are we even going in the first place?"

Jenora continued leading the way. "It's a friend's birthday party."

I can't believe I actually agreed to come out with Jernora by this time of the night. I sneaked out when Mama Teta started snoring like a bulldozer. The old lady wouldn't stir even if a baby cried by her side. I convinced myself I could get home early without being caught. As though luck was on Jenora's side,I heard music a few meters away from us.

She smirked at me. "I told you we were close."

I pulled on my heels and walked faster. We came around to an ash painted house. I was taken aback by the  graffiti on its wall. It said only cool kids with a dash of crazy hang around here. As soon as Jernora and I walked in, we were surrounded by her friends from school. Their shrieks were deafening. A boy with a ripped shirt and jeans to match swayed forward slightly. He held two glasses.

"Jernora baby, you made it," he shouted over the music.

"It would be rude to not accept your invitation." She smiled at him.

His eyes drifted to me and a wide grin spread over his face. The boys around looked like puppies compared to him. He handed a glass to Jernora.

"Hey, I'm Mikel, the birthday boy." He took my hand in his and laid a kiss on it. My toes curled in as his warm lips pressed against my skin.

"And what's the name of the most beautiful girl in this room?"

My cheeks grew hotter. His eyes were like magnets. I stared deeply, drowning in them. I caught myself and looked away, trying to hide my interest. There were a couple of teenagers at the place and they were watching us closely. I withdrew my hands from his grasp.

"Her name is Donyen," Jernora chipped in for me.

She waved to some other friends at a pool table. "Don, I'm going to hang with my friends. Mikel, behave." She gave me a second glance, sending a message I understood well enough.

Be careful.

He handed me the second glass. I took a gulp out of it and almost cursed. It stung at my throat. He chuckled and rubbed my back, slowly.

"It's your first time taking alcohol, right?"

I nodded hoping it would be my last time too.

"You would get used to it. For now..." He placed my glass down and took my arm. "Let me get you something calmer." His eyes glinted with interest I couldn't miss. Maybe it was good idea sneaking to this party after all. I allowed him to whisk me through the crowd.

We came across care-free adults who lingered close to the walls. The air reeked of cigarettes but Mikel wasn't bothered while I had stifle the urge to cough. I already embarrassed myself enough with the alcohol. I would be long gone before he realized I was anything but cool. I might as well enjoy the night and pretend to be anyone but my boring pitiful self. The attention was quite filling as a set of jealous girls walked past us for third time in a row. They were hotter but Mikel didn't care. He made me feel like I was the only girl in the world all night.

"This is for you," Mikel offered me another drink.

"Nope." The last experience had not yet worn off.

He just chuckled. "It's mixed. Completely different from the last one."

I stared at the drink tentatively like I could even tell what was in it.

"Just give it a trial," he begged with that captivating tone of his.

I took a little sip. My tastebuds tingled in response. I gulped it down. I asked Mikel for more as everyone in the party had a glass of the same wine. I knew I was under the influence but I loved how it made me forget my pathetic life. My only plan that night was to party. Hard. I dragged him to the dance floor where I lost myself to the music as I threw my body all over his. We were deep in the moment when Mikel pulled me to a dark corner. A couple with their tongues down each other's throats got the spot already. It was like watching two gross animals fight for dominance. Mikel opened the door to a poorly lit room with a makeshift bed.  Better than what I slept on. He clamped his lips on mine, pushing me down the bed. His hand found my dress, pulling it aggressively over my waist. My senses were lost as he caressed my thighs. It felt good as I played with his sex. My warning signs went off as he groaned softly against my ears. He bit on my lips hard, drawing blood. The copper taste flowed, thick and strong. It hurt and not in a good away. His fingers were now clawing at my panties. It switched on the warming alarms in my head as though this was too familiar. I pressed hard against Mikel's chest and pushed him off. He caught himself but flustered.

"What are you doing?" He raged. He looked confused and angry at the same time. "I thought you knew what you were up for." Any second from now, he could blow off the rooftop.

I respected my dignity and picked myself off the bed. I apologized as I left the room. That was not the way I wanted my first time to be. Not with someone who treated my body like a wild animal.

I searched the place for Jernora. She was in one of the larger rooms dancing with her friends. People gathered around as she hit the popular waves. Jernora was a bundle of sunshine, always lighting up the room. I was the complete opposite. I became too ashamed of myself after Jernora had warned me. All I wanted was to be far from all of this.

I got to the house and it was still quiet. I changed into my clothes and hid Jernora's in the bush where Mama Teta would never imagine to search. The door squeaked as I opened it halfway, clenching my teeth. I saw the mat empty as I opened the door and seeing Mama Teta seated upright with the wooden spoon I dreaded most in her hand.

"Where are you coming from?" Her voice was cold.

I retreated ready to run but she was fully prepared. It was a merciless slap from her that made me to scream, "I am sorry Ma!" but she wouldn't spare me. She pulled me outside grabbing my hair. My roots stung as she pushed me into our zinc loo and locked the door. 

"Since you want to behave like the devil's incarnate, you will be treated as one," she hissed.

"Please let me out, ma," I cried.

I heard her slam the door to her house. I continued to plead for mercy but I knew I had crossed my last strike.

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