Chapter 17: SOPURU

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"Hey," Jernora called out to me from her bed.

"Hi," I muttered as I laid on my bed, facing the wall.

"We can't keep going on like this, Don. You have to stop avoiding me."

"I'm not avoiding you."

"You have been dodging me for a week. When you see me coming, you walk to the other direction. When we are in the room, you pretend to be on your phone or asleep."

I kept quiet. I tried avoiding this conversation with her because I knew it might not end well.

"Don," she called twice.

I felt a tap on my arm and I turned grudgingly.

"Sorry, I'm tired. I must have fallen asleep. Can we discuss this some other time?"

"Well, I have Toblerone with me if you are ready to talk." She smiled, waving the white gooey goodness in front of me.

"Okay. Let's talk." I took the chocolate from her hands and sat up.

"You're still my sister and all I want is the best for you. We shouldn't let a boy come in between us."

"I'm not the one doing that." I bit into the chocolate. Its milky flavor woke my taste beds.

"We have known each other for a long time and you know I would never lie to you."

I couldn't help wondering where she was going with this. There was something she wasn't saying which put me on edge.

"Spit it out, Nora."

She spoke slowly as though trying to avoid a grenade. "You have to trust me because what I'm about to tell you is the truth. I told Grace about that guy you have been going out with every night this week and she said she knows him. This semester he asked her out while he was dating her friend and it's barely been a month since we started the semester. Donyen, he's just messing with you."

"Are you aware of the fact that she might be lying?"

"I know Grace. She would never lie."

"I didn't know you had become such good friends that you knew her so well. If I didn't know any better, I would have said you were jealous and just cooking up stories."

"Don! I'm only looking out for you."

"Thank you, my guardian angel." I stood abruptly from the bed and jacked my phone from its charging point. "You know you don't have to worry yourself anymore. I'll just move out."

Jernora's lips quivered. "To where?"

"I'll stay with Kayode." I dialed his number.

He picked on the third ring. "Hi. Can you come pick me from my dorm?"

"Is everything alright?"

"Where are you? Can you please pick me up?"

"I'm close by. Meet me in front."

When I saw Kayode's car, I slid it the front seat and banged the door. I felt like the whole world was against me except the guy I had fallen for.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

I let it all out as I shook with sobs.

"It's okay." He patted my head. "Let me take you to my place.

He drove to his apartment not too far from the school premises. I was surprised he stayed in somewhere this expensive. I expected boys' quarters or something less. I didn't expect to meet a condo. All I could think about was how rich he was. We stepped into his place and it left me in awe. Everything from the kitchen to living room looked like it had been taken out of a magazine. It was all white.

"Your place is nice."

"Thanks." He pulled me to one of the white fluffy couches. "What's wrong?"

The memory of the past event returned along with my sadness.

"Nothing." I looked away but he pulled my face back to his and held it in place so that I couldn't look away.

"Tell me what happened." He led me to the sofa as he rubbed my thighs.

I let out a heavy sigh. "Jernora and I got into a big argument and I don't want to talk about it."

"You don't have to talk about it but I want you to know that no more matter what, I'm here for you."

In that moment, I couldn't have been any happier. He understood me. He knew everything about me, still he cared for me. A tear slipped down my cheeks and he wiped it off with his finger. He clamped his lips on mine and kissed me liked the last time only that this time, his hunger was rawer. The kiss turned into a tug of war, each of us trying to dominate the other. I didn't remember how but I found myself in his room, half my clothes ripped off. Kayode pulled out a condom from his wallet, setting off all the warning signs in my head.

"What are you doing?"

"What do you mean, Don. I thought you knew what you were up for."

"No, I'm not sleeping with you." I stood from the bed but he held on tightly to my hands.

"Please, Don. I want you. I've always wanted you. You are different from the other girls I've been with." I was so lost in his eyes, I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to say yes but I didn't want to him to be angry with me either.

"Do you want me to do it with someone else?"

"Of course not."

"Then, please. I've always wanted you and no one else. I love you."

Those three words were all it took to break the last of my resistance. He pulled me under the sheets and had his way. It hurt but I clenched my teeth so that he wouldn't detest this moment with me. Gone was the gentleman I knew. What was left was a wild animal. No patience. No control and no care. By the time he was done, I was too tired to keep my eye lids open. I pulled the sheets to my chest as he held me from behind.

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