Dark cupid

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" and now for the most aqmazing episode " damon said

" oh I hope she dosen't mean that one " louis wispered

" great another round of young mom and dad kissing " emma replied

" well atleast your dad isn't giving a broch to clair's mom" avis wisper yelled

emma and hugo snikered

" ok so the next episode is Dark cupid " nike said

" oh nononono" marinette said hidding her face

'' what happend bugaboo " adrien asked

" I can't wait to see your reaction " alyno said

" oh you love this dont you " marinette hissed

" of cause " alyno said with a huge grin

" so lets begin " avis said

Scene: collage francosie dupont . Miss Bustier is teaching Literature class

Miss Bustier: In most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell us why?

Rose : (stands up, swoons) Because only love can conquer hate!

Miss Bustier: Correct, Rose.

Max : Technically speaking, this reasoning is only exhibited in about 87% of all fairy tales and-

Miss Bustier: Thank you, Max. That's enough.

(Marinette is looking over Adrien's shoulders as he writes a letter.)

Miss Bustier: Adrien, I hope what you're writing has to do with my lesson.

Marinette: (gasps)

Miss Bustier: (approaches Adrien) Can you tell me what I just said?

Adrien: That's why in most fairy tales, the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess because only love conquers hate.

" ok dude how did you do that " nino asked confused

" well being a model has it's cons I have gotten used to multitasking "

Miss Bustier: Very good, Adrien! Now, everyone, don't forget to finish Sleeping Beauty by Charles Perrault tonight, and happy Valentine's day, students!

Marinette: (to Alya) Hey, go ahead, I'll meet you outside.

Alya: Mhm.

(Marinette continues to look over Adrien's shoulder as he continues to write his letter before Adrien crumples it up stands up and tosses the letter in the garbage can.)

" well stalker marinette is comming " chloe said smirking

" how do you know that " alya questioned

" well I was there and i said some pretty mean comments " chloe winced

" it's ok chlo " marinette said

Chloe: Hi Adrien, sign here please.

Adrien: (sighs) Oh, come on, you know I hate signing autographs, Chloé.

Chloé: Oh, that's not what this is. This is a petition against cruelty to hamsters. Have you seen some of the ugly sweaters they are forced to wear? It's appalling.

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