Heroes day Part-1

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" Ok the next one is Heroes day" Louis said.

" Oh I remember the day not the Akuma though" Mylene said confused

" That's because- "  Marinette tried to explain but got cut of by Emma

" Let them watch the episode they'll understand" Emma explained

" Okay"

Scene: Early morning. Rooftops of Paris. Ladybug heads into Marinette's Bedroom and transforms back to Marinette.

Marinette: (Yawns) Finally.

Scene: Adrien's bedroom. Cat Noir transforms back to Adrien.

Adrien: That villain was so tough. (Plagg yawns and falls onto the bed with Adrien).

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette realizes today is Heroes Day.

Marinette: Good night, Tikki.

Tikki: (Kisses Marinette's forehead) Sleep tight, Marinette.

(Phone rings)

Unknown Voice: Rise and shine everyone! Today is Heroes Day. A day when you too can be a hero!

Marinette: Heroes Day?! (Runs down the staircase) I completely forgot to plan my good deed today!

"Marinette, you're Ladybug, you do good deeds everyday, in and out of costume., you to Agreste. You guys don't need to plan anything special for Heroes day, and I'm sure everyone agrees right"? Alya asks looking around, as everyone starts agreeing with her.

" thanks guys but remember we are not the only heroes" Marinette said winking refering to the other heroes.

" Though I must say I could do without a few puns " Marinette joked

" Meouch m'lady that stung " Adrien fake pouted while marinette rolled her eyes.

Tikki: And the fact that you were up all night saving Paris isn't enough of a good deed?

Marinette: No, Tikki. Because that was a secret and Ladybug's good deed. Heroes Day is when everyday citizens perform good deeds for other people's benefit. (Opens her purse) Come on, Tikki. (Tikki hides in Marinette's purse)

Scene: Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie

Marinette: Dad, Mom, it's Heroes' Day today!

Tom: Just like every year, sweetie. (Grabs the box of macarons) I've put one of every flavor in there for each of your classmates.

" Your dad's so cool Marinette " Rose said

" Thanks guys" 

" Ya Hugo, Emma and louis you gran is cool" Jake said

" we know" Hugo said smugly

Sabine: You can't get much better than that in the good deeds department. (Smiles)

Marinette: (Hugs her parents.) You guys are my heroes.

Scene: Adrien's bathroom. Adrien's brushing his teeth.

Plagg: (Sighs) Heroes Day... We're already heroes. Come on, let's go back to bed!

Adrien: Plagg! (Covers his nose) Do you really have to eat that so early in the morning?

"Of course I do. Why would I waste such amazing Camembert"? Plagg asks getting no answer before diving back into his cheese.

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