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" The next one is Befana" Nike said

"Befana? As in when my Grandmother got Akumatized??" Marinette asked unsure.

" Yup" Clair said as she put the episode.

Scene: Marinette Dupain-Cheng's Room. Tikki and Marinette are talking

Tikki: Marinette, this is quite a special day for you!

" Special Day??" Kagami asked confused

" My birthday" Marinette replied

Marinette: Yes, Tikki! It sure is. Hm, still no call...

Scene: Marinette's balcony

Tikki: There's a ritual we kwamis perform on a day like this.

Marinette: (distracted) Oh really? That's nice.

Tikki: But I don't know if you humans would like it. I wonder if you guys even give each other presents on your birthday.

Marinette: (She looks surprised) Oh really, Tikki? You got me a birthday present?

Tikki: A kwami specialty.

"Wait, why didn't I get one of these Kwami specialty in my birthday"? Adrien asks his Kwami.

"I normally wait until my chosens had me at least a few years before I do this kid " Plagg explained lazily, Tikki rolled knowing exactly that Plagg was too lazy to do it. 

"Oh, okay"

Marinette: Oh, that so awesome! What is it?

Tikki: (Tikki does a small dance in the air while humming, then spits something into Marinette's hands) Miraculous birthday, Marinette!

"EWWWWW" everyone in the audience voiced except Tikki, Marinette, Plagg and the future kids.

(Marinette looks shocked and slightly disgusted)

Tikki: (crestfallen) Oh no, you don't like it, do you?

Marinette: Yes! Yes, I love it! It's amazing. It's a, uhhh, what is it?

Tikki: A Kwagatama. A great symbol of friendship among us kwamis. We take a hair from our Miraculous holder and join it to the hairs of all the former Miraculous holders. And with them we grow a magic resin for a few months and- (she notices Marinette is on her phone not listening and looks disappointed) I know you don't wanna tell me because you don't want to hurt my feelings but it's obvious you don't like it.

"No Tikki I love it, it's just going to take time to forget the delivery of the Kwagatama" Marinette says disgusted with how she got the good luck charm.

"You know many of me previous holders reacted the same way, though I don't know why"? Tikki says confused at why so many of her holders feel that way about getting their Kwagatama.

Marinette: I'm sorry, Tikki! I-I really love your gift. It's just that Alya should already have called me by now. We're supposed to be taking her little sister to the (she mimes air quotes) "dentist" (she winks) at four o'clock today.

Tikki: (puzzled) Do you humans always celebrate your birthday by going to the dentist?

Marinette: No, of course not, Tikki. It's a secret code! They're actually throwing me a surprise birthday party!

"Aww man girl I need to work more on secret codes". Alya says disappointed she's been found out.

"Ya babe you're not really the best with minor secrets". Nino says remembering a few times Alya couldn't keep a secret.

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