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[A Few Hours Ago]

"So your plan is to kidnap our parents and uncles and aunts past selves and make them react to episodes given to us by her??" Louis asked her his eyebrow raised.

"Yeah Louis," Emma said nonchalantly as she packed the things need for her little trip to the past, "Ok tell me one thing where are u going to keep them and what if they make noise??" Louis asked challenging her.

"You see Baby Bro, That's the bright side of being a Agreste we can keep them in the theatre room and as for the noise you know that the theatre is sound proof," Emma said giving him the famous Agreste smirk.

"First don't call me Baby Bro," Louis said giving his elder sister a look," And Second looks like you have planned every single detail, Whatever I am up for it " he said with a cheeky grin

"ok fine Hugo, Alyno , Jake, Clair and Avis are waiting for me," Emma said mounting her her bad on before she sent Louis a wink, "See you soon Baby bro."


Adrien groaned waking up for some reason his head was pounding and his gaze was a little blurry but he felt some sort of warmth beside him turning around he realised that the warmth was none other that Marinette.

Adrien's arms were securely around her where as her eyes were still close as her chest raised and heaved down due to her rhythmic breathing, He couldn't help but notice that she look quite peaceful.

But the peace was broken by several screams of protest and confusion...




But the Dupain-Cheng girl remained asleep deciding that he had to wake her up, Adrien gently shook Marinette, "Marinette wake up."

"Hmm Tikki 5 more minutes please," Marinette mumble pressing her face closer to Adrien's chest making him flush.

 "Marinette, I'm Adrien," The blonde mumbled Marinette's eyes shot open as she look at the person she assumed her pillow.

"Huh? adrien? ADRIEN?!? "Marinette yelled jolting up still in Adrien's grip who simply nodded and looked at her curiously, "Yeah, But who is Tikki??"

Marinette's eye's widened, "Tikki hm t-ikki i-s my  my cat," The midnight haired girl gave the blonde a lame excuse but before he could asked anything else they were cut off by a flash.

Both of the turned to see Alya standing there with a smirk her phone in her hands, Looking down both of them realised that Marinette was still in Adrien's grip.

Quickly Adrien removed his arms sheepishly as Marinette turned red, "Oh don't stop on my account," Alya told them smirking.

Suddenly a Bunch of kids including the first 6 that were in their class entered making the who class to start yelling an d cussing again.

"SHUT IT!!" A girl with Blonde hair and blue bell eyes yelled making everyone quit down in an instant.

"Right, sorry about her," A Teen boy who looked identical to the girl expect he had midnight blue hair and green eyes apologised, "I know you have a lot of question which we will answer but please first take your seats according to the given screen."

Everyone looked at the screen before slowly making their way through the theatre while mumbling a few words.

Adrien | Marinette | Alya | Nino 

Chloe | Nathaniel | Kim | Alix

Kagami | Luka |Max | Sabrina

Juleka | Marc | Rose | prince ali 

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