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"The Next one is going to be Anansi!" Alyno exclaimed putting the said episode on the screen as 

"Wait I know this one."  Alya says surprising some people.

"So you're Anansi??" Chloe questioned confused.

"Not exactly, it's actually my Older sister Nora's wrestling name. It's after a mythological spider". Alya explained.

"Oh so your older sister was akumatized," Chloe asked figuring it out

"Yup" Alya answered popping the P.

Scene: Césaire apartment, living room. Alya and Nino are dancing in front of the television. Marinette is watching from behind, next to her phone with Adrien on videocall.

" Great moves Alya " Rose said

" Thanks Rose."

" Hey what about me?" Nino pouted

Rose giggled," you to Nino"

Marinette: They're so in sync with each other.

Adrien: (on videocall) You're right. Someday I hope I'll find someone I can share everything with... (Marinette gasps) like they do. (in his room, Adrien sighs) But until my father starts letting me go out more often, that probably won't be happening.

"I guess I already found someone" Adrien said Kissing Marinette making the girls coo while Emma, Hugo and Louis gagged.

Marinette: (on videocall) Are you sure your dad won't let you come? It's such a bummer.

Adrien: (on videocall) You know how overprotective he is. One day he'll realize I'm not a child anymore, but we're not quite there yet. (Marinette chuckles)

Nino: Big finish, here we go!

Marinette: You don't wanna miss this. (points phone at Nino and Alya)

Nino: (poses on one leg) Yeah! (Marinette and Alya start laughing)

(Nora enters the apartment.)

Nora: Aw, shoot. Did I miss the ballet?

Alya: Nora, is your match over already?

Nora: (puts down her bag) First round: total knockout. Huh-huh-huh. (punches the air) As usual. (whispering into Alya's ear) I told you a hundred times not to call me Nora in front of people, little sis. (to the rest) The name is Anansi, like a spider.

"Eww spiders," Chloe shrieked thinking about the crawly little things, "Hey Chloe no reason to be scared spiders aren't that scary." Mylene defended the very feared creatures.

"Not to mention they're so awesome". Juleka added in as Marc nodded.

"Ugh let's just agree to disagree about this okay"? Chloe suggested not wanting to talk about spiders anymore.


Alya: Sure, I'll call you Anansi when you stop calling me 'little sis'.

Nora: Anyway, what are you all still doing here this late? Don't you have school tomorrow?

(Marinette and Nino avert their eyes bashfully.)

Alya: We're waiting for it to get dark. It's the World Cup fireworks show tonight, remember? We're gonna watch from the Place de la Concorde Ferris wheel.

Nora: (spits out her drink) Oh no! Baguette and cappie can go with cellphone boy if they want, but you're staying here. (crushes a milk carton under her hand) It's way too dangerous.

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