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" The next one is... sapotis" Emma said.

"Sapotis, what in the world  is a Sapotis? " Chloe asked

"They're a trouble making monster" Alyno said.

" wait how do you know because most of the people have no idea what it is and my story was the one my parents told me" Alya said eyeing Alyon.

" we-ll m- my mom too knew this story" Alyno sluttered out and shot emma a look to continue.

" well here it is" Emma said getting the sign.

Scene: The Césaire apartment. Marinette is speaking to Marlena Césaire on her phone while Alya is playing with her little sisters Ella and Etta, who are both wearing propeller hats.

Marinette: Yes, Mrs. Césaire. The girls are ready for bed. Uh...technically speaking... (chuckles) Yeah, we're good. Enjoy the movie! (turns off her cellphone)

"Hey Alya it's been a while since we had a sleepover, maybe we can when we get back"? Marinette said to Alya.

"Sounds good girl, but lets invite all the girls". Alya suggested

" sure as I always say the more the merrier" Marinette said cheerfully.

" M'lady that's what I always say" Adrien corrected.

" whatever kitty" Marinette said turning back to watch the episosde.

Alya: Come on, bedtime, you little monsters! That's enough mischief for one day! (picks up her sisters)

Ella and Etta: It's not us! It's the Sapotis! (laughing)

"Wait is it Alya's little sisters who become this Sapotis akuma this time"? Kagami asks figuring it out.

" Yup " is all Marinette said.

" well look like your as smart as you look" Luka said winking and Kagami blushed while Winter who heard their conversation was eyeing them thinking And here I thought I'll get a break of their flirting at home.

Scene: Ella and Etta's room. Alya tucks each of her sisters into bed.

Alya: Off to bed, little Sapotis. You need to rest if you want to be fighting fit for tomorrow.

Etta: It's not fair! We don't want to go to bed! We wanna stay up with you!

Ella: Yeah! We want to watch the movie and tell each other lots of secrets!

Alya: And what kind of zombies will you be at the amusement park tomorrow if you go to bed late? Show 'em, Marinette. (In the doorway, Marinette pretends to yawn and feel exhausted after she wakes up in the morning) So what's it gonna be? Boring sit-down pajama party with the big kids, or...the super-fun cool amusement park tomorrow?

Ella and Etta: The amusement park! (both settle down to sleep)

Alya: That's what I thought. So, goodnight, Sapotis. (reaches down to remove Ella's hat)

Ella: Wait! Can we keep 'em on? Please?

Alya: All right. But go to sleep now. (turns off the light before closing the door and leaving the room)

Scene: Living room. Alya sets down a tray with a pitcher of orange juice and two glasses on the coffee table, and transfers the tray's contents to the table.

Marinette: (getting out two plates and spoons in the kitchen) You seriously have a technique down with your little sisters. But...uh, who are the Sapa...Sapo...?

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