Driven Away

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The next day, I woke up to Blue Eyes jumping on me. I patted his head and stretched before getting out of bed. The bed was cold so I guessed Dylan had left last night.

I looked around my room groggily before going to the bathroom to freshen up. Soon after, I went downstairs and fed Blue Eyes.

"Okay boy. I'll be back! " I yelled as I grabbed my keys and hopped into my car.

My car roared to life as the garage door rose. I pulled out and drove towards Josephine's, my dad's favorite cafe.

I was about to pull into an empty parking space when a blue Camaro cut me off. I swerved out of the way. All I saw was a silver blur before the air bags popped out and I saw black dots in my vision.

I soon fell victim to the darkness that called to me.


Dylan's POV

I was sitting at my kitchen table eating breakfast. My mom had made me eggs and bacon that morning. Yes, I can cook, but if she wants to make breakfast, hey! Who am I to stop her?

My favorite show was on and Dad was watching it next to me. The house phone rang and Mom ran to get it.

" Hello? This is her." My mom sat there listening to what the person on the other line was saying before she gasped. I saw her almost drop the phone and tears spring to her eyes.

" I understand. We will be there as soon as possible. Goodbye now. " She hung up and looked at me, tears running down her now pale face.

" Mom? What's wrong? " Mom never cries in front of me unless she is REALLY upset. She didn't cry at my grandpa's funeral until I left the room, and then she cried for 3 hours straight.

" Honey? What's wrong, what happened! " My dad ran to my mom who was still sobbing.

" R-Ro-Rose. . . *sob* . . . S-sh-she got i-in a . . .*sob* . . . car-car crash! " She managed to get out.

My heart rate increased and my dad looked at me, worry clear in his eyes.

" Go, son. I will meet you there with your mother soon. " With that said, I nodded towards my dad then ran to my car.

' Please be alright. Please be fine! ' I thought the whole way to the hospital.

" Turn right to your destination. " the GPS said. I quickly pulled into the closest available parking space. I then ran into the hospital.

" Rosemary Trueman? " I said to the lady at the front desk.

" Who are you? " the woman asked.

" Look! I don't have time for this! My girlfriend got in a car accident and I need to know where she is! " I told her.

" Room 4, level 4. " I thanked her before running up the emergency stairs, not having the time or patience to wait for the elevator.

I ran to her room and pushed the door open. I was so exhausted from running, that I put my hands on my knees to catch my breath.

" Where . . . Is . . . She? " I asked in between breaths. The doctor in the room led me to a chair at her beside.

I wanted to throw up at the sight of her. My angel had tubes running into her body, the heart monitor was beeping steadily, and her face was bruised slightly.

" Son, I need you to brace yourself for this okay? " My dad startled me, I didn't even know he was here.

" Okay. " I replied calmly after catching my breath. My mother tries to control her sobs before leering out an unsteady breath

" Honey, Rose is in a c-coma. The doctor doesn't know when she'll wake up, if she wakes up. "

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