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I woke up from my nap to see that it was still light outside. I looked at my clock and saw it was . . . 7:30 in the morning?!?!? Ah crap. I forgot to feed Blue Eyes. Oh wait no I didn't. I felt my once tense body relax.

I heard a soft yip and fur hitting my face. I opened my eyes to small slits to see Blue Eyes' tail whack me yet again. He yipped again and then pulled on the sleeve of my shirt. I guess he wanted me to get up.

I jumped in shock when the doorbell rang. I quickly made sure I looked presentable, well presentable enough. I smoothed out my dark brown hair so that it looked as if I hadn't just woken up. My sweats and t-shirt looked fine and I sighed out of relief. I ran to the door and slowly pulled it open.

Dylan stood in front of me, showing off his dazzling teeth. I got lost in his eyes and he quickly looked down as a blush formed on his slightly pale cheeks. He scratched his head nervously and looked anywhere BUT me.

" Good morning. " I said trying to break the silence. His cheeks flushed yet again. Probably because he realized he wasn't saying anything. At. All.

" Hey. " he answered softly.

"What's up? "

" Umm. . . I was just wondering . . . if. . ." he seemed to be about to say something but thought better of it and shook his head. " you wanted to hang out with me? " 

I laughed because he was so nervous over something so minute. He looked crestfallen when I laughed and I felt guilty. I instantly cut off my laughter. I stopped him from leaving by wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him.

" Don't leave. " I begged in a small voice and he looked confused.

" But. . . you laughed. So I thought that meant no. Of course it meant no. How could I have been stupid enough to think you would actually want to hang out with me? Me of all people. You probably have friends who are better looking and smarter than me that you want to hang out with. Stupid. Why did I even bother? " I squeezed him tighter when he tried to leave again.

" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I wasn't laughing because I didn't want to be around you. I was laughing because a gorgeous, funny, smart, and kind guy like you was nervous about asking little old me to hang out with you. I would love to hang out and believe it or not, I haven't talked to anyone in a year. So I don't have any friends, besides you of course. "

I blushed after I had finished babbling. I looked down, too embarrassed by what I just said to look him in the eyes. I felt my chin being raised by a soft hand.

" Why do you talk to me then? If you haven't talked to anyone in a year, why am I different? " I smiled before answering his question.

" Simply because you are special. I didn't bother talking to anyone because they didn't catch my eye. You did. You were nice to me, no matter how I looked, acted or talked, you still treated me as a normal human being and that is all I could ever ask for. So many people think I am a freak, loser, geek, nerd, or loner. I am me and you accepted that so I am now accepting you. No matter what you will always be my friend. " He looked at me in awe and shock. I was shocked myself. Dude, that was deep.

"Uhhhh, I am going to get dressed I'll be right back. " I ran inside and up to my room to get ready. I think I am slowly falling for this guy that I only met yesterday. Is that even possible?

Dylan's POV

I stood there like the idiot I am, still staring at the spot where she was standing just a minute before.

She really thought that about me? She thought I was 'gorgeous' and 'smart?' My heart fluttered at the words she had said as I replayed them in my mind. The most beautiful girl I had ever seen thought I, Dylan Cities the most boring person in the world, was gorgeous and smart.

I was nervous when I first knocked on her door because I was planning on asking her something else but didn't want to face rejection.

I had thought that she had laughed because of how desperate and pathetic I looked. I was disappointed to say the least. Of course, this was how I knew it would play out, a goddess doesn't belong with a commoner, but I had a little hope that I wouldn't get rejected like so many times before.

Every single person I had tried to be friends with had shot me down at my first attempt. I had thought it would be the same now. I tried to get out of there as quickly as I could. I had embarrassed myself and couldn't stay there any longer. When I turned to leave however, I felt her arms wrap around my waist and pull me to her.

I was confused. Didn't she want me to leave? Isn't that why she laughed? She then proceeded to tell me the reason why she laughed and my heart skipped a beat.

I was jolted out of my thoughts by the pounding of her feet against the stairs. She wore skinny jeans and a white graphic tee that read 'Wolves bite. So don't mess with me.' and it had a white wolf baring its teeth right next to the words. She was radiating with beauty and my heart began to pound 10 times faster against my chest. I think I am falling for this girl, this girl that I only met yesterday.

My Silver LiningNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ