The Proposal

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Rosemary's POV

I walked around with a smile on my face. I just couldn't believe he had done that. For me of all people. He is amazing in every way and I am thankful that I met him.

Dylan had taken me on a date yesterday. It was the best! It was also very cliche. He took me to see the sunset on the very top of a mountain.


He carried me to the car and set me on the hood. He took out a blanket and put it around us. I leaned into him and sighed in content.

I had loved just sitting there because I was sitting with my love. He then told me that the sunset was pretty but not as beautiful as I am. I remember I had blushed a deep crimson and kissed his cheek as a thanks.

Dylan took out a woven basket and set it on the ground. He then picked me up and set me down on a blanket next to the basket. I smiled at him and he kissed the side of my head.

He then pulled out white chocolate covered strawberries, spaghetti, grapes, chicken Alfredo, vanilla heart-shaped cookies, carrots, and Ben and Jerry's!

" Ahhh! I love you SO much. " I kissed him and then hugged him tightly. He chuckled and hugged me back.

" I love you too, Angel. I love you so much that I can't even breathe right now. " he laughed as I let him go and mumbled an apology.

We ate and talked until there was no more light left and we had to leave. We started packing up and hopped into the car.

Dylan turned on the music and drove away from the mountain top. He started driving into the forests instead and I was confused.

" Dylan? Why are we going through the forest? " I looked around to see if I recognized anything but I didn't recognize anything.

" Somewhere. " and then he turned up music so loud that I couldn't talk over it.

We pulled into a clearing and he stopped the car. He got out and then helped me out. I looked around and was breath taken.

There were paper lanterns hanging in the trees surrounding us. The branches were full of fairy lights and there were candles surrounding a tree stump in the middle of the clearing. White rose petals were scattered everywhere on the ground and red roses surrounded the tree stump.

I felt tears spring to my eyes and I turned to Dylan. I couldn't get anything out though because he led me to the tree stump and had me sit on it.

He then bent down on one knee and picked up both of my hands in his right one. The tears started pouring and I couldn't stop them but I didn't want to.

" Rose. My love. You are my world, my life, my whole reason for living. I know we have only known each other for a little under 6 months but it feels like I've known you for forever. I can't imagine my life without you and I can't stand the thought of someone else getting the privilege of giving you gifts, kissing you, hugging you, and telling you that they love you. I cry whenever you cry, I hurt whenever you're hurt, I can't stand the idea that I can't protect you from everything and anything. I love you and I know we are young but this doesn't have to happen now. So, Rosemary, my angel, my love, my one and only, will you make me the luckiest man in the universe and marry me? " he sat there on one knee looking at me nervously and brought out a ring box from his pocket. He opened it to show a ring with a diamond heart on it and the initials D+R engraved into it.

I couldn't help but start sobbing. I bawled and cried and couldn't stop myself. He hugged me and cooed at me.

" Angel, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. D-don't cry please. " His voice faltered as if he was trying not to cry. I looked at him lovingly.

" Dylan, I am not crying because I don't want to marry you. I'm crying because I love you so much. I'm crying because I didn't think I would ever find someone to love me for me. I'm crying because you showed me what love is. And I'm crying because I'm going to be Rosemary Cities. " I hugged him tightly and kissed him.

* Flashback Over *

I sighed happily and looked at the birds in the trees. They were chirping their tunes happily. Two Blue Jays were helping there babies fly. I looked at them and grinned.

They were learning how to fly just like I did. I found my wings and now I'm flying. The wind blew through my hair and I closed my eyes. I spread my hands out to my sides and felt something fall into the palm of my hand.

I opened my eyes to find white rose petals on the palm of my hand. I looked up into the clear blue sky and smiled.

" Hi Daddy. You know don't you? You know that I finally found my rose like you told me I would. All those thorns were worth it. You were right Daddy. You were right. " I smiled and watched as the rosé petal flew up and touched my cheek. I laughed and blew a kiss into the wind. And I whispered into the air,

" I love you too, Daddy. "


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