I Love You

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Dylan's POV

I woke up with a jolt. I sighed and thought about Rose, my Rose. She is perfect in every way. I thought about the day she officially became mine and only mine.


After my mom told me what Rose said, about liking me and all, I decided to put the rest of my plan into action. It took about 3 weeks to set it all up but it was worth the wait. I was still a little nervous. I mean what guy isn't nervous about asking out a beautiful girl? Only douche bags. Rest assured, I am NOT a douche nor am I a bag.

Anyways, I walked up to her door and rang her doorbell. I went over my speech that I had planned out. That all went out the window when an angel opened the door.

The wind suddenly picked up and her hair flew up around her head. It seemed to create a halo and my suspicions of her being an angel seemed to be confirmed. My heart beat at 100 miles an hour and my breath got caught in my throat.

I opened my mouth to talk but I couldn't get any words out. Her tanned skin began to glow and she grinned at my actions. I mentally slapped myself for acting so stupid. After 3 weeks I still couldn't talk to her properly.

" Hey. " She said and I seemed to snap out of my daze.

" Hi. How are you? "

" I'm great. What about you? " I could think of several answers: anxious, nervous, afraid, excited, and more, but I summed it up in one word.

" Fine, I'm fine. " Silence then enveloped us as I tried to remember my speech that I had practiced at least 20 times.

" Don't take this the wrong way, but why are you here? Not that I don't enjoy your company because I do. " I mentally slapped myself. . . again.

" I was wondering if you want to go out with me tonight? Only if you want to, of course. " My speech was left in the dust once again. I held my breath as I waited for her answer.

" I would love to! What time are we leaving? " I felt a grin grow on my face, no matter how hard I tried to stop it from showing itself. Her answer was the opposite of what I was expecting.

" I was thinking about 7:00? "

" Okay, I'll see you then. " She kissed my cheek, gave me a hug and shut the door. I walked back to my house in a daze. I will never get used to that.

~ Later that night ~

I held her hand in mine as we walked towards the black limousine. She looked stunning in her deep red dress that sparkled in the moonlight, her hair was straightened, and she wore no make up at all. I opened the door for her and then got in myself. We talked about random things on our way to the restaurant.

When we walked in, a guy came to help us. He looked at my Rose up and down. I felt myself growing angry.

" Reservations for Cities. " I said and he scurried to the back, showing us to our table. We ordered our food and laughed while we waited for it to come out.

" Dinner and a show, Madam. " said a familiar voice. I heard Rose gasp and I chuckled. She sat there with her fork in mid-air with her big brown eyes widened. My cousin and his friends walked onto the mini stage and waved.

" We are here to dedicate a song to you. " Louis pointed to Rose and she looked behind her, as if she was looking for someone else. This made me laugh.

" Yes, you. The one in the rose red dress. This is for you. " Louis said in his famous show host voice. They sang 'Gotta Be You', ' Little Things', and 'Kiss You.' After they finished, they all walked off stage and greeted me. I stood up and gave them all high fives and/or hugs.

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