Happily Ever After

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Dylan's POV

I was incredibly nervous. My palms were sweating, my body was shaking slightly, and I felt as if the collar of my suit was suffocating me.

My breathing became labored as my heart sped up. Everyone stood and looked towards the doors in the back. Thousand Years by Christina Perri was playing in the background but that soon faded to nothing.

She walked down the blue, silk carpet and smiled at everyone she passed. I adjusted my collar for what must of been the thousandth time that day. She stopped right next to me and I took her hand in mine. The dress she was wearing flowed gracefully behind her and the small dip in the front completed it.

She was beautiful.

Rosemary's POV

I paced around in the dressing room. My heart was racing and my feet were aching. My head was spinning and I sat down for only a minute before I started pacing again.

I heard Thousand Years by Christina Perri start and I knew that was my cue. I pushed through the double doors and started walking down the silky, blue carpet. I smiled at everyone but felt a little disappointed when I saw the empty seat next to my mother.

My father would have been the one walking me down the aisle. I had decided to carry a bouquet of white roses just to feel as if he were there. I was grateful though, that my mother was here and I could feel my father's spirit walking right next to me.

I looked up at him and smiled as I stood right next to him. He had his black suit and sea blue tie.

He looked absolutely handsome.

* 12 Years Later *

".....and that my darlings, is the story of how your mother changed my life and-"

" And how your father changed mine."

Dylan and Rosemary looked at each other lovingly and smiled. Their 3 children all giggled and clapped their hands.

" Mommy, will I ever meet my Prince Charming, like you met Daddy? " their 7 year old daughter, Rosalinda, asked.

" Of course, Darling. There is someone out there for everyone, even you. You only have to find them."

" Yeah, and when you do, he better take care of my princess the way he should or else I'll- "

" Oh good gosh! She's only seven. You are acting as if its happened already. " Rosemary kissed her husband softly before shaking her head.

" If he huwts my sissy, I'll knowck his teef owt of hims mouwt. " Their 5 year old son, Ross, said. He hugged Rosalinda to him in a protective manner, for even though he was younger, he was bigger than her.

They all turned to see their 4 year old, Ryland, take a Barbie and Ken, make Ken hit Barbie, and then rip Ken's head off with his teeth.

" Oh Dylan! You see! Now even Ryland is preparing for the day she gets a boyfriend. " Dylan only laughed at his wife.

" Good. Then there is less of a chance for her to get hurt. "

With that, they all sat around listening to Rosemary and Dylan tell stories about how they met. From miles away you could hear the children's giggles, the fire crackling, and the married couple playfully arguing.

And outside on that cold, winter night, you could see the white rosé petals dance in the wind around the house, signaling the presence of their guardian angel.

At the end of the night, when everyone was asleep, and the wind whistled, white rosé petals hitting the windows, you could hear a faint whisper coming from one of the rooms as Rosemary gazed out through her bedroom window.

" Good night, Daddy. I miss you. "


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