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Rose's POV

I woke up to a blinding light. My eyes squinted to fend off the burning rays of light. After adapting to the light, I stood up.

My body swayed at the temporary unfamiliarity of walking. When I could stand properly for more than 30 seconds, I took in my surroundings.

The green grass underneath my feet was wet with dew. I stood in the middle of a meadow. Laughter left my mouth as I ran through the millions of pink daisies that grew all around.

I twirled under the shade of a 100 ft tall Oak tree. The wind blew through my hair, lifting it to float above my head. An orange leaf floated down from the tree and fell on my nose.

The baby blue dress that I suddenly noticed, was blown against my body and flew behind me, looking like a cape. I lifted my arms and felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

I sighed in contentment and sat down at the base of the Oak tree. The sun shone brightly, reflecting how I felt at the moment. Happy and content.

My moment of peace and quiet was broken by someone clearing their throat. I turned to look to my left. I jumped up and hugged the man I saw next to me.

" Daddy!!! What are you doing here!?! I missed you SO much! Where is here by the way? Are you okay? How are you? When are yo- "

" Rosebud! Calm down. " He chuckled. His hazel eyes glistened with humor.

" I missed you too. I'm fine and doing very well. More importantly, what are YOU doing here? "

" What do you mean Daddy? " I backed away from him, my eyes scanning everything with a skeptical eye. I wasn't so sure this place was the peaceful safe-haven I once thought it was.

" My Baby girl, you've grown to be a wonderful young woman. You have gone through more than a grown man will ever go through. I want you to know I am SO . . . PROUD of you. You have to do me one last thing though. "

" Yes, Dad? " I felt my head tilt in concern and confusion.

" Don't let go. "

" What do you mean? I love it here. "

" Let me show you. " He took my hand and pulled me towards a small lake. The ripples became figures, and the figures became pictures, the pictures showed people. They seemed familiar in some way but I didn't know them.

" You see, Pumpkin. Look at what you would be leaving if you stayed here. "

" Who are they? "

" Try to remember. Listen to his voice, his words, remember Darling, remember. " With that he started fading away.

" DON'T LEAVE DADDY! " I frantically tried to grab onto him but my fingers never touched him, they only passed through him.

" I love you Baby Girl. Stay strong and you will pull through. " He then faded into nothing.

" I love you too. " I whispered into the air.

I looked back to the lake. A boy was sitting next to me, holding my hand. He looked so sad and his face looked disheveled as if he hadn't shaved in a long time.

His dirty blonde hair was greasy, like he hadn't showered for over a week. His blue eyes looked sad and full of worry.

I got closer to the edge of the lake to hear what he was saying. What I heard broke my heart.

" Rose, my angel, today is the 31st of December. The new year is almost here and I want to spend it with you. I promise that I will protect you better and treat you like the angel I know you are. I know I don't deserve you. You are so kind, gentle, and giving. I remember the day I first met you. You walked outside, after paying for my things in Josephine's, and gave a homeless man a $20 bill when he wasn't looking. Not to mention, you are the most beautiful girl in the world, and the only person who gave me a chance. That is why I love you. I, Dylan Cities, love you, Rosemary Trueman. So please, wake up. I'm so sorry. Just wake up. Please, wake up. "

His shoulders shook with the sobs that escaped his mouth and the tears that fell down his face.

All the memories flooded into my mind. Flashes of my whole life entered my brain. The more I saw, the more my surroundings faded into the darkness.

I was soon surrounded by nothing but darkness. A train tunnel appeared in front of me and inside, a blinding light came from it.

I walked into it and heard a beeping noise speed up. I gasped for air but something was blocking my air way. I heard rushing around me and could finally breath.


Dylan's POV

" Rose, my angel, today is the 31st of December. The new year is almost here and I want to spend it with you. I promise that I will protect you better and treat you like the angel I know you are. I know I don't deserve you. You are so kind, gentle, and giving. I remember the day I first met you. You walked outside, after paying for my things in Josephine's, and gave a homeless man a $20 bill when he wasn't looking. Not to mention, you are the most beautiful girl in the world, and the only person who gave me a chance. That is why I love you. I, Dylan Cities, loves you, Rosemary Trueman. So please, wake up. I'm so sorry. Just wake up. Please, wake up. "

I begged her and hoped she could hear me. I wanted to see her beautiful brown eyes and hear her silky laugh. I wanted to hold her in my arms and feel her cuddle closer to me. Most of all, I wanted to hear her say those three words.

All of a sudden, the heart monitor sped up and I heard her gasp. I pressed the red button and a rush of nurses and the doctor filled the room. They pulled the tube out of her mouth and gave her a cup of water.

I hugged her to me and heard all of the nurses leave. Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to see the doctor standing behind me.

" Excuse me, but I have to ask some questions. " I sat next to Rose on the hospital bed and pulled her close to me.

" First, welcome back. Now, is there any pain anywhere? "

" Not that I know of. " her voice was scratchy but not unattractive.

" Good. Now, do you know who this gentleman is here? " I was praying that she did.

" Should I? I'm sorry, but I don't even know why I'm here. Who am I anyways? " My heart fell into the pit of my stomachs at her answer.

" You have a case of amnesia Miss. "

She started laughing then and holding her stomach.

" Ang- Rosemary, why are you laughing? "

" I'm afraid she may have hit her head harder than what I originally thought."

" Crap! Can you help her? " I was worried she might have been hurt even more. I was shocked when Rose leaned over and kissed me.

" Dylan, I missed you so much. I love you SO much. You are the sweetest thing ever and I am SO lucky to have a boyfriend as great as you! " She kissed me all over my face and hugged me.

" Wait! What the heck! What is happening here? " I was too confused to respond to anything she was doing.

" She may have developed a personality disorder Sir. " The doctor looked worried.

" No, I was just joking. I remember you guys. How could I forget my favorite guy in the world? "

" Awe. Angel, you're my favorite in this world too. " She was so cute.


I wanted to laugh as he walked straight into my trap.

" Awe! You are TOO sweet! But, I was talking about your dad. Mr. Cities, I missed you! "

I saw Dylan turn towards his father and mother who stood behind him. Dylan turned back towards me with his jaw dropped.

" My . . . Dad . . . But . . . What . . . Favorite . . . Me . . . WHHAA? " Everyone laughed as Dylan stuttered over his words and looked utterly shocked. Dylan's parents came over and gave me a hug.

After signing the release forms, they took me home and I saw that the house was in perfect condition. I walked into the house and locked the door behind me.

" BLUE EYES!! I'M HOME! " Blue Eyes came running through the house and jumped on me. After all this, I was finally home.


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