Chapter 2: Sea Feilong and Old Friend

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Godzilla was swimming in the ocean, following the coast of Vale. There, he felt great energy pulses in the water. He used it as a food source like the radioactive radiation from Earth. He also made sure that nothing came into the kingdom that might bring harm. Today, he was swimming in the harbor, because he thought he saw something that might be trouble. He saw what looked like a cross between a sea serpent and a Chinese dragon.

 He saw what looked like a cross between a sea serpent and a Chinese dragon

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The creature then flew up into the air, and roared. It flew around, until it saw Beacon. "Students!" said Ozpin over the intercom, "A Sea Feilong has entered the school grounds! Arm yourselves!" The Sea Feilong flew over to the cliff, until it was grabbed, and thrown back. The students looked in awe when they saw what grabbed the Grimm. Godzilla roared at the Feilong, and it roared back. The Sea Feilong flew for Godzilla, but Godzilla bit down on it's tail, and flung it into the cliff. Team RWBY managed to get out and see the battle. As soon as they made it to the cliff, the Sea Feilong spotted them, and headed towards them, too fast for Godzilla. But then, before it attacked, it just stopped. As if it was listening to something.

In the head of Sea Feilong...

"We need them alive!" "Of course. You are my alpha. Assigned by the Queen herself." "Take them prisoner." "Yes, King Ghi..."

Godzilla then grabbed the Sea Feilong by the neck, and it stepped on top of it. It looked up at Godzilla, and Godzilla unleashed his breath on it's head. Soon, the Grimm was dissolving under the foot of Godzilla. He then turned to see Team RWBY looking at him. He sniffed, and he then walked back into the ocean. Ruby then said quietly to her team, "Do you think he followed us?" "I don't know Ruby," said Yang, "But one thing's for sure, he's gonna defend the planet."

The next day...

"...And Roman disappeared without a trace. In other news, a massive Creature of Grimm called a Sea Feilong attacked Beacon Academy yesterday. The attack was short, due to a massive creature appearing, and fighting the monster. This animal appears to be living off the deep coast of Vale, based on trackers. This animal is not a Creature of Grimm, according to experts, since Grimm don't just attack each other for territory. While this animal has shown no threat, it is still dangerous. Please do not provoke it. And now the weather. The next week is..." 

Weiss turned the TV off. "So, it seems he has been following us," she said. "Well, I don't know, maybe he followed us on the bullhead?" asked Ruby. "I don't know," said Blake, "I feel like we actually have a connection to him. Like, all our souls are linked to his." "Why would we be linked to his?" asked Yang. "I don't know," said Weiss, "But there must be some reason."

In the ocean....

Godzilla was swimming around, and he went into a hidden cave, that he carved out without making the city come down. In it, he came to the surface, and he was greeted with a surprise. In his lair, was a large dinosaur like reptile with upward spikes on his back.

 In his lair, was a large dinosaur like reptile with upward spikes on his back

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"Zilla?" asked Godzilla. Zilla slowly opened his eyes, and saw Godzilla. "Godzilla!" said Zilla. He quickly got up and bowed. "Oh, knock it off," said Godzilla, "You're a good friend. You don't need to bow to me." "You're the alpha," said Zilla, "You are the King of the Titans. Although, it might be hard for you to keep your crown." "Why?" "King Ghidorah. I've sensed his presence in a certain part of the planet." "Oh dear," said Godzilla, "Then we must find the other Titans, and see if they will help us." "I know of a few," said Zilla, "Mothra, Rodan, and King Kong." "Oh God no," said Godzilla, "Not Kong!" "Look, I know you and Kong don't always get along, but can you try to put aside your differences until King Ghidorah is dead?" Godzilla then sighed, "Fine. But I'm going to despise every second of it." "Good," said Zilla, "Now, let's go find the other Titans."

In the Grimm lands...

"So, what have you to report?" asked Salem. "He is here," said Ghidorah, "Godzilla. He is on Remnant." "So, the alpha predator is here? Well, make sure to bring him here, alive." "If you're thinking about trying to make him follow you, don't. He bows to no one." "And how do you know that?" "How do you think we ended up here?" "Well, what do you suggest?" "We use the another Titan that are here, and use him/her against him." "Who would you choose?" "The now King of Merlot's Island: Kong. He has a grudge against him. His kind was at war with Godzilla's." "Very well, then go to Merlot's Island, and find him." 


"So, he is here?" said a giant moth. "Do we have to?" asked a giant pterosaur like animal. "Yes, if we are to help defeat the Grimm and Ghidorah once and for all, we must help Kong get along with Godzilla." The pterosaur sighed, "Fine, but don't expect me to help you if they start fighting."

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