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In Visiting Friends.....

In a continent that is completely uncharted, the Creatures of Grimm are born from pools in a secret land no one knows about,... except for the followers of Salem. Emerald and Mercury were looking out the window, when Cinder snapped her fingers. "Yes, yes, keep your.... posse.... in check," said a man across from Cinder, "You hear that? Silence. I must thank that girl that bested you." Just then, one of Ghidorah's heads came, and snorted in his face. "Watch it, asshole!" it said, "If I recall correctly, YOU were here sitting on your ass doing nothing, while Cinder did the real work!" "Even though you are older than her, I suggest you treat her with respect," said the second head. "In deed," said the third, "We are all equals here." "All except the queen," said a crazy man. Ghidorah looked at him, and all three heads looked at him, and said in unison, "Shut your trap!" Cinder then whispered into Emerald's ear. "Pathetic, why do you...." Salem then entered, and headed to the front of the room, as everyone stood from their seats respectfully. And Ghidorah's heads just looked at her. "Watts," said Salem, "why do you find such malignancy necessary?" "I'm sorry ma'am," said Watts, "but I don't appreciate failures." "Now what do you mean? Cinder is now our Fall Maiden, Beacon has fallen, and most importantly, KILLED dear Ozpin. Now tell me, what failures are you talking about?" "Well, she let the silver eyed girl get away," said Watts. Ghidorah looked at Salem, and asked, "Can I eat him?" "No," said Salem. 

"Very well," said Ghidorah, "Now to business." "Excuse m...." Before Salem could finish, Ghidorah unleashed a small amount of lightning at Salem, actually killing her some. She screamed in pain, and Tyrian then came forward, only to be smacked down. "Don't forget that we Titans are the only ones on this planet with the power to even kill immortals like you. So you should learn your place! Now, Cinder, you will stay here, under Salem's guidance. Tyrian, continue searching for the Spring Maiden. Watts, you will be our informative in Haven until Cinder fully recovers. Hazel, continue to cooperate with the White Fang. Adam Taurus has proven loyal still. Ensure that Selina Khan does as well. As for you Salem, time you did some real work. You will create Grimm, and have a planned out full scale attack on Atlas." 

Cinder then motioned for Emerald and whispered in her ear. "Speak child," said Ghidorah. "What about the silver eyed girl and Godzilla?" asked Emerald. "What about her?" asked Watts, just then, Ghidorah then roared right in his face, "SILENCE!!!!! You will speak when spoken to! Learn your place, you pathetic waste of space! Tyrian, Spring can wait, I want you to find the one who did this to Cinder, and bring her to me." Tyrian just sat there pouting. Ghidorah sighed, "Salem, please?" "Tyrian, bring the silver eyed girl to me," said Salem. "It will be done, my queen," said Tyrian, before laughing maniacally.

Cinder had her arm replaced with a Grimm arm. Ghidorah looked at it, and said, "Are you sure about this? If the legends say the eyes work only against Grimm, you have just given her a weakness." Then, from the darkness of the hall, a strange Grimm came and floated next to Salem. "Cinder, I'm going to ask you one more time and I expect a clear answer. Did you kill Ozpin?" Cinder then motioned for Emerald, but Salem stopped her. "I want to hear it from you." Cinder struggled to speak, and she made a small, "Yes." from her throat. Salem then calmed down, and she turned to her creature and said, "Reinforce our numbers at Beacon. The relic IS there." Ghidorah then said, "Leave us, I need to speak with Salem alone." The minions walked out, and Ghidorah then looked at Salem with spit. "The girl needs time to recover, you can't force her to do everything right now!" "I am the Grimm Queen," said Salem. Ghidorah then roared, and Grimm came crashing through the door. Salem looked at them, and said, "Leave us." The Grimm just stood there, like they didn't hear her. "I ORDER YOU TO LEAVE AT ONCE!!" Ghidorah then said, "Attack her." The Grimm then charged forward at Salem. She was torn apart at least 15 times, until Ghidorah said, "ENOUGH!!!" The Grimm stopped, and Salem reformed, looking at Ghidorah. "You have lost your crown. The Grimm follow me now! So you better listen now. I will train Cinder now."

Before Raven and Showdown, and after The Truth of the World

Cinder was exhausted, as the Grimm disappeared from view. Ghidorah looked at her, and one of his heads nudged her. "You'll get used to it soon," it said. Salem then came in, and said, "I thought you were the girl who wanted power." Ghidorah then looked at Salem, and snarled. Salem backed down a bit. "Watch your tongue!" said Ghidorah, "You said it yourself, Cinder holds the key to our success. So, leave her A-" Just then, a weeping Tyrian came in, and said, "She'll forgive me, she'll forgive me! PLEEEEEEEZZZE FORGIVE ME!!" "Tyrian," said Salem, "Your task, were you successful?" "N-no," whimpered Tyrian, "But-but hope is not lost! My tail! My stinger! I poisoned him, Qrow! He will no longer be a nuisance to you any longer, longer. Have I done well?!" Ghidorah then roared,

"YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT A LITTLE BIRD!?!?! I WANT THAT GIRL!!! I WANT HER TO GROVEL AT ME!!! I WANT HER TO DIE, RIGHT IN FRONT, OF GODZILLA!! SO HE CAN KNOW HOW I FELT, WHEN HE KILLED ME!!!!" Tyrian was actually terrified. "M-m-m-m-my q-q-q-q-q-q-q-queen?" asked Tyrian. Salem remained quite before saying, "The last eye is blinded...You disappoint me." Tyrian then weeped like the world was ending. Ghidorah then saw a Beowulf sneaking up on Tyrian, and he said to the Grimm, "No. He's not worth it." Ghidorah then left.

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