Chapter 4: The Titans

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In the office, Team RWBY talked with Ozpin, Glynda and Ironwood. "So, why did you call those silhouettes Titans?" asked Glynda. Ruby looked to her friends and said, "Well, on that search and destroy mission you sent us on to the coast, we met a great animal." "He is maybe as tall as the CCT tower, and getting bigger maybe," said Weiss. "He calls himself Godzilla," said Ruby. "Wait, it can talk?" "Only to us," said Blake, "we can hear his thoughts in his head, because we think that our souls are bound with his." "So, what are these titans?" asked Ironwood. "Well," said Yang, "The Titans are, maybe, aliens. Godzilla said that they come from a time long before man, on a planet called Earth. And because of our souls, he may have followed us, and been defending the Kingdom of Vale from massive Grimm coming from the waters." The three adults looked amazed. "So, how did they come here?" asked Ironwood. "They died of either old age, sickness, or combat for dominance," said Ruby, "As for Godzilla, he's the alpha, the King of Monsters. The Grimm just ran when they saw him." "My goodness," said Glynda, "Is he going to be a problem?" "No," said Ruby, "Though, there maybe a problem. There is only one who can rival him: a three headed dragon called King Ghidorah." "Yes, it almost killed him, but thanks to some humans on earth," said Blake, "He managed to take him down. But that actually maybe made King Ghidorah the first Titan to arrive on Remnant." Ironwood looked to Ozpin. "Thank you Team RWBY, we will make sure that Godzilla is protected if this, King Ghidorah appears." "Thank you Ozpin," said Yang. The four students then left, and Ironwood said, "You really aren't thinking of letting that thing live?" "James," said Ozpin, "He's helped defend the kingdom, and he's defended the academy here from a Sea Feilong." Ozpin then showed Ironwood the footage of Godzilla fighting the Grimm. "Hmm," said Ironwood, "Maybe we could let him slide. For now." Ironwood then left.

Godzilla, Zilla, Mothra, Rodan, and Kong arrived at the island, and they walked inland, where they would be undisturbed.... or so they thought. Kong was set down, and he stepped on something sharp. "OOOWWW!!" yelled Kong. The ground shook to reveal another Titan, one that revealed an ankylosaur like animal.

 The ground shook to reveal another Titan, one that revealed an ankylosaur like animal

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"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE STEPPING!! THAT HURT!!"  said the Titan. "YOU!?!" yelled Kong, "YOU'RE BACK IS LITERALLY A BLANKET OF SPIKES THAT COULD PIERCE ANYTHING!!" "Argunius?" asked Godzilla. "Godzilla?" asked Argunius. Argunius then stood up on all fours, and he said, "How's it going!! I was wondering if you'd ever get here!" "Yeah," said Godzilla, "I know, I just hope that we can help this planet as well." "What do you mean?" asked Argunius. "Ghidorah is here," said Zilla. "WHAT?!?" exclaimed Argunius. "Yes," said Mothra, "We need your help." Mothra then explained the whole situation to Argunius. "Of course," said Argunius, "I'll help you. Godzilla's my best friend." "I just don't want to this world to end. I don't care about Godzilla. Personally, I hope he dies." "Hey, HEY!!!" said Argunius, getting in a fighting stance, "WATCH YOUR TONE!!" Rodan then said, "Bitch fight." Mothra flew in the middle and said, "KNOCK IT OFF!! YOU'RE GOING TO ATTRACT UNWANTED GRIMM WITH THOSE ATTITUDES! Now, we need to spread out to find Ghidorah. Godzilla, where to?" Godzilla then said, "Zilla, you check the Mistral Kingdom. Argunius, check the Vacuo, plenty of desert for you to burrow in. Mothra, you and Rodan look in Atlas. Make sure that you stay hidden, we don't want the most powerful military to attack you. I hope you won't mind the cold" "So that leaves you and Kong to stay in Vale to look after Beacon," said Rodan with a smirk on his face. "WHAT!?!" yelled Godzilla, "Ugh, why didn't I think this through." "Hey," said Mothra, "we're on the same side. And don't you dare fight in the city! I will come and make sure you two will apologize!" "Okay," said Godzilla, "Kong, how do you feel staying in the Emerald Forest on the other side of the school?" "That's fine," said Kong, "It might remind me of Skull Island." Rodan then lifted up Kong up, and he and Godzilla headed back to Vale. The rest then headed off to their specific kingdoms to start searching.

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