Chapter 6: The Attack

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The Grimm activity has fallen in the Kingdom of Vale. Godzilla had told them to leave the borders alone and stop going towards human activity. Godzilla had Kong make sure that the ones in the Forest behaved. Cinder told Salem about what happened. When Ghidorah heard this, he unleashed a massive lighting attack that incinerated everything except Salem's castle and the followers. Ghidorah looked at Salem and yelled, CREATE MORE GRIMM AND MAKE IT DOUBLE!! I WANT GODZILLA HEAD!! Salem then retorted, "Who do you think you are?" Ghidorah then wrapped his neck around Salem, and he electrocuted her, until she was on the verge of dying. I am the one who can destroy the world and you in a single roar. Salem nodded, and she headed to the Grimm Pools. Cinder, said Ghidorah, I think I know where the Fall Maiden is. She is in a hidden vault under the school, see if Ozpin might lead a fool to the vault. From this moment, you are in charge of attack. "Very well," said Cinder, "May I get a ride?" Indeed. Ghidorah then let Cinder ride on his middle head, and he took off.

Godzilla was swimming in the waters, and he felt something rumbling in the distance. He surfaced, and he saw Beacon in trouble. He unleashed his roar, and the Grimm looked at him. 

Kong then appeared, and said, "Ghidorah is leading the Grimm, and there is another thing hiding." Just then, a Wyvern appeared, and landed on the top of the tower. Godzilla climbed up, and he roared once more. The Grimm looked over, and roared as well. The Wyvern flew over, and Godzilla grabbed it by the throat. Ghidorah then appeared, and he looked at Kong. Kong then grabbed a head, and smashed it into a building. Ghidorah then wrapped around Kong's arm and he threw him into the cafeteria. Godzilla then went down, and he quickly grabbed a certain Faunus and human. BLAKE, YANG! said Godzilla. He looked to see Yang with no arm. Oh no. Godzilla then put them down, when he saw Ruby and Weiss. Godzilla then heard the Wyvern roar. It then grabbed Godzilla, and threw him into a building. Kong then threw a piece of building at Ghidorah, and he blasted it. Kong then ran straight into Ghidorah. Godzilla then heard three cries.

(0:10 to 0:13)

(First roar)

(The first 2004 one)

Everyone turned to see Mothra, Rodan, Zilla and Anguirus appear, and help Kong fight Ghidorah. The Wyvern then unleashed his fire on Godzilla, but the King of Monsters unleashed his more powerful atomic breath, and it made the beast crash into the tower, where a massive white light appeared. Godzilla looked up, and he saw the Wyvern had turned into stone. "It can't be," said Ghidorah, "Silver eyes." Godzilla looked over at Ghidorah and said to himself, "Silver eyes? I only know one person wi... Oh no!" Ghidorah then flew up, and saw Cinder injured. He carefully picked her up, and he looked down at the unconscious Ruby Rose. He opened his left mouth, but Godzilla blasted it into ashes. He roared, "NEVER COME BACK!!" Ghidorah then headed into the air and called out, "Keep coming here! There is a massive source of negative energy here! Make sure this place will never see the light of day again!" Ghidorah then flew off, and Godzilla looked up at the building. He quickly picked up Ruby by her hood, and put her in his palm.  He then walked over to the airship, and where General Ironwood, Glynda Goodwitch, and Qrow Branwen looked up in amazement. Godzilla then opened his hand to reveal Ruby. He then looked to them, and sighed. He then walked back to the waters. Kong looked to Rodan, and he asked to be taken back to Merlot's Island. Mothra looked a the building, and she sensed something. She flew up, and she used her powers to revive a red headed girl, and she brought her down. 

A few days later...

Godzilla had followed the aura of Ruby and Yang to a small island. He walked all the way to a small house, and he stopped. Ruby and Yang looked outside, and they headed out. "GODZILLA!!" they yelled. Godzilla then got to the ground, and he said to them, It's good to see you both alive. Not many have made it out. "I know," said Ruby. "It's all gone," said Yang, "The school, Penny, Pyrrha..." "I'm not going anywhere soon!" said a voice. They looked up to see Mothra land, and she had Pyrrha riding on her head. "PYRRHA!!" cried Ruby, and she ran over and hugged her. Mothra, said Godzilla, you saved her? It was short enough after her death, said Mothra, I suppose Cinder Fall will be surprised to see her alive again if we meet her. Which brings us to our next problem, said a voice. They all turned to see Zilla. Apparently, Ghidorah is actually linked to Cinder Fall, and someone named Salem, the Grimm Queen, like you're connected to Team RWBY. We need to find there next move, and stop them. Salem is guarded by Ghidorah, and she lives in fear of him, because their power is equal, and Ghidorah and Godzilla are the only ones who can kill her with their breath. "What do we do?" asked Ruby. Get some rest for now, said Godzilla, Wait, where are the others? "Weiss' father took her back to Atlas," said Yang, "No one outside of Vale knows what happened. Weiss' father thought it would be safer for her there. And Blake, BLAKE RAN!! She made sure everyone was safe, and she just ran!!" She was scared, said Godzilla, I'll check in on them both. Godzilla then got up, and saw his team of Titans, Mothra, Rodan, Kong, Zilla and Anguirus. For now, he said to them, we go in hiding. Next time an attack like this happens, we come back, and end it ONCE AND FOR ALL!! They then all bowed, except for Kong, and Godzilla roared.

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