Chapter fourty nine: The Guardian

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LJ looked at his watch while standing by the back door and pushed off the wall yawning as he went back into the larger room looking over to Aviana ''Maybe we should've gone with them.'' she stated looking to him, LJ looked to the front of the store ''No, it's ok, they'll be back.'' he stated and looked over to them, Vivian was walking back and forth to get some bit of movement from being in there for that long, holding her lower back as she went back and fourth, LJ watched her for a bit before looking to the twins seeing them sleeping in the make shift cribs they made from boxes in the back of the store. Vivian walked over to them and leaned on the counter looking over to the twins ''I hope they grow up more so we don't have to deal with three babies.'' LJ smiled ''It'll be fine, there's enough adult's in our group to take care of them all.'' LJ explained looking to the babies smiling, Vivian noticed his smile, it wasn't just a happy smile ''You want one?'' LJ looked to her a bit shocked ''Uh, no.'' he smiled and looked to them, Aviana looked up to him ''What about being a guardian?'' LJ looked to her as Vivian smiled, LJ paused then looked to Aviana who moved away from the counter, turning around before leaning against the wall looking to her.

LJ didn't know how to respond to the offer ''Uh, wouldn't you like someone like Jon or Evin?'' Vivian smiled to him ''I'm asking you first.'' she stated LJ stared at her before looking down to Aviana who was just smiling ''She's asking you, not me.'' LJ looked to Vivian before nodding slowly ''Uh, sure.'' Vivian smiled ''Fantastic.'' Vivian stated before pushing off the counter and turned looking to the front windows of the place seeing the ambulance pull up right outside ''Their back?'' Vivian questioned, thinking they wouldn't see them in a while, Aviana got up as they saw Taylor walk around and headed to the side of the store, LJ turned and went to the back door opening it and stepped out looking to her ''We're gonna spend a week at the hospital, Jon need's time to heal.'' LJ's eye's widened a bit ''He's ok?'' Taylor nodded ''Yeah.'' he smiled and turned going back to the other's, Aviana was getting Ben out of the make shift crib hearing the conversation, LJ walked past her picking up Elizabeth, Taylor went inside and looked around before walking over and grabbed one of the blankets that was on a shelf and grabbed a water bottle she turned and went over grabbing Timothy's bag before following them out.

Vivian and Aviana climbed into the back, helping Alex and Alfie inside as well, LJ got in the passenger seat, Taylor put the blanket, water bottle and the bag inside the back before shutting the door's and walked around getting in ''We found Evin.'' LJ looked to her ''Is he ok?'' he asked, Taylor paused as the ambulance started up ''Broken, but ok.'' she stated not knowing how to say it and started driving towards the hospital where the other's were waiting ''Broken?'' LJ was still curious about the word use ''The people at the hospital bruned him, his back and he used the thing they burned him with to kill them, burning his hands.'' Taylor explained and glanced to him before looking to the road ''He's alive though?'' Taylor nodded ''Yes.'' LJ nodded and looked forward before looking out the window.

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