Chapter seventy nine: The Deal

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''We don't even know if the water will be down enough to drive a car.'' Monte explained looking to Carson, he looked to Monte having his arm's crossed over his chest ''Then we take one of the boats.'' Jonathan sighed and turned the map that was on his leg's looking at it ''Even if the water isn't down and we take a boat we'll need a working car and something tells me that the water pushed all of the cars to the other side of the city or dumped them into the river that goes through the city.'' he stated looking to Carson ''How much weight can the helicopter hold?'' Evin asked thinking about standing at the foot of the bed and looked to them ''If that helicopter can hold all of our weight we could just fly over the water.'' Monte shook his head ''With all of us in the helicopter it'll drop once we get in the air.'' he explained ''The water will recede back into the ocean or into the sewers.'' Rosie explained stepping forward looking at them ''Tsunami's take a couple of hours to recede but the mass of this one it'll take around three to four days, you need at least a week or two before you can even think about running let along walking.'' she stated looking to Jonathan.

''He won't be running he'll be in a car.'' Jon looked to Evin ''If the car breaks down?'' Evin looked at him ''Or if we crash it, no offence but we don't have the best luck with cars.'' Monte sighed looking at the map ''Where are we going?'' Carson looked at the map ''Say we get out of the city somehow, we still don't have a place to head to.'' Jonathan thought about it ''No more cities.'' Evin stated pointing and stepped forward a bit looking at the map as well ''If it's not to much to ask could we head to Atlanta Georgia, to the CDC.'' Rosie asked looking at all four of them, Evin looked at her ''I don't think your people would still be there.'' Evin stated and turned back to the map, Carson looked to Evin before looking to her ''Why?'' Rosie held her hands infront of her, pushing them together ''My daughter, is... She's there.'' she simply stated, Jon and Monte looked to her as Evin looked forward ''Why would you bring your daughter to a place that has a bunch of viruses?'' Evin asked confused looking to her ''She's nineteen, wanted to follow in my footsteps, if she's still there I'd like to get her.'' Rosie explained and looked to Monte and Jonathan.

''What's her name?'' Rosie looked to them before going to the map ''Maria.'' she stated and looked at the place on the map before notcing places on their map were crossed out and looked to Carson, he moved his hand over the map and pointed ''These places were bombed by the military, and Toronto is heavily infested.'' he stated and moved his arms back crossing them again, Rosie looked at them ''You've been to the entire state of California?'' she questioned, Evin shook his head ''A radio broadcast told us.'' Rosie looked at him ''The military are untrustworthy.'' Rosie stared at him ''I know.'' she explained and looked to Carson ''I only know of three other's who want these assholes out of their hospital, they'd be more then happy to help kick them out.'' Carson looked to her ''We're gonna need a better plan then just escaping to get the hospital back from this group.'' Rosie nodded ''I could arrange a private meeting.'' she looked to her watch then to them ''I need to give my result's to Charlie.'' she stated and went to the door ''What are the results?'' Monte asked looking over to her, Rosie turned looking at them ''All of you are clean.'' she stated and looked to Evin and Jon before leaving the room.

Evin turned back and looked at the three ''Should we bother with getting this hospital back from them?'' he questioned, they looked to him ''Why wouldn't we?'' Monte asked, Evin looked at him before his eye's moved to the side ''They'll come back.'' he stated and looked to Monte ''The military will either come back and take over again because their military or they'll raid the place and leave everyone here to die.'' he explained looking to the other two before looking back to Monte ''If Rick and the other's are alive still, great they can come over here and protect the people but how long will that last, again the military will come and if they aren't the one's to take the hospital then another group out there will take it or the dead will make their way through each floor.'' Evin spoke before pushing away from the bed and exited the room shutting the door behind him, Carson picked up the map folding it up again ''Carson.'' he looked to Jon putting the map inside his coat to keep it hidden ''He punched the mirror in the bathroom earlier, if your gonna ask me about him.'' Carson explained and went to the door leaving the room. Monte looked over before looking to Jon who stared at the door.

''A week might be to long.'' Jon explained and looked to him, Monte looked at him ''We've spent longer in other places, they were fine.'' Jon stared at him ''If your referring to when we were all split up for months, he was alone.'' Jon explained, his eye's bouncing around the room a bit, Monte grabbed his hand ''And he was fine.'' he stated looking to him, Jon looked to him as Monte stood up ''I'm gonna get us food.'' he stated and brought Jon's hand up kissing it before walking around the bed and over to the door stepping outside into the hallway. He walked down and looked to the elevator seeing the door's shut on the two before turning to the desk that was there ''Are they serving food for the day?'' he asked not knowing how any of it worked, the man behind the desk looked up to him ''Uh, upstairs, there should still be some.'' Monte looked at him a bit confused before walking over to the elevator and got in going up to that floor.

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