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(A/N just gotta say it here, all characters belong to Rick Riordan!! I own none of them!! Enjoy.)

Nico did not want to get out of bed today. He knew what was going to happen if he stepped outside. It had been going on all week. At night, he was having really bad nightmares. He didn't tell his boyfriend, Will, because then he knew Will would just worry. There was nothing he could do to stop them. Nico was barely getting enough sleep, and on top of all that, the Ares cabin had been coming into his cabin at night, and making fun of Nico, calling him names that should not have been said.

They didn't approve of him having a boyfriend. Most of the campers were fine with it, and could care less. Some even saw them as the cutest couple at camp. (Besides Annabeth and Percy) it was just those stupid Ares kids. They were much stronger than Nico was, so he couldn't just try to fight his way out, and he couldn't use his powers on them, because he didn't want to kill them.

From a distance, Nico could hear the horn blow for dinner, so he dragged himself out of bed, got dressed, and headed to the dining pavilion. As he jogged over, he saw Will, already sitting with his food. He went over to his boyfriend, and said hello. "Hey sunshine!" he replied back, "Are you okay? You look upset." Curse Will for knowing him so well.

Nico hadn't told Will about what had been going on with the Ares kids. He probably should have, but he figured it would only get worse if he asked for help. He had to learn how to stand up for himself. "Ya. I'm fine." Nico lied. "I'm just gonna go get my food, and I'll be right over." He went over to the buffet, grabbed an apple and some fries, and started over to the magical drink cooler.

As he walked over, Axel, child of Ares, shouldered him hard. Nico fell to the ground. He gave a look that said everything, I'll see you later tonight. Nico pulled himself up, grabbed a can of Sprite, and went to go sit down with Will and the Apollo campers. "Hey, are you okay? Axel seemed to hit you pretty hard." Will asked, as concern flashed across his face. "I'm fine Will. Just a stupid war child being annoying." Nico's shoulder did kind of hurt, but it was nothing compared to what he was going to feel later. "Are you sure?" Will asked. "Yes! Now let's eat, please." And with that they ate, talking about their days, and joking with eachother.

After a while, it was time for campfire. Will played the guitar, and Nico curled up on his lap. He didn't care what anyone thought at that point. He just wanted to cuddle with Will for a little, before he was alone in his cabin again. They sat their, and after two songs, Will handed the guitar to one of his siblings, and wrapped his arm around Nico, starting to play with his hair. Nico loved this. He would never say it out loud, but Will always seemed to know what to do to make Nico feel warm and cozy on the inside. He didn't want to go back to his cabin. He just wanted to be with Will. But of course, his moment had to end.

The sing along ended, and everyone started back to their cabins. Will gave Nico a good night kiss, but he seemed to be thinking about something. Nico hoped that Will wasn't thinking about how weird Nico was acting lately. He didn't need Will to come and see him get clobbered.

(A/N just wondering what everyone thinks. This is my first ever fanfic so feel free to comment what you liked or disliked about it.)

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