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(A/n Just saying, this is a shorter chapter, but there is some good Solangelo moments.)

(Anybody have thoughts/constructive criticism. This is my very first fanfic and was just wondering what everyone thinks about the story so far. Thanks and enjoy!)

"Why are you crying Death Breath?"

"Will?!? Oh my gods!" Nico exclaimed as he threw himself onto Will, wrapping him in a hug, not even caring about the flair of pain in his ankle.

"You awake! How do you feel?" He asked, still sobbing into his boyfriends arms.

"Hey, calm down down love. And ya, I am awake." He said, dodging the main question. Nico raised his head up, and sniffled.

"Nico, I know you want some time with your boyfriend,  ut I need to run vitals on him and do a check-up now that he is awake. I can come get you when I'm done?" Kayla stated, hating to interrupt the moment.

"Okay. Just, can I have a minute alone?"

Kayla sighed, "One minute, thats it." She walked out of the room, leaving the two alone.

"Will, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I should have never let you get involved with them. If you don't forgive me, I understand." He looked down at the floor. After a second he got up to leave.

"Nico, where are you going?" Will asked in an exasperated tone.

"I-I was just gonna, you know, leave you alone. Since you probably hate me."

"Nico, I could never hate you. Why would you even think that? None of this is your fault. Those stupid Ares kids are the ones to blame." Will exclaimed, whilst grabbing Nico's wrist and pulled him close. Very close.

"Will-" Nico whispered, but was cut off by his boyfriends warm lips crash against his cold lips.

Nico kissed back, smiling as he did so. Even though Will's lips were as swollen as Nico's ankle, he didn't care. He just wanted to enjoy his time with Will.

After a few moments, they separated, catching their breath. That didn't seem to work. Nico was still breathless from the kiss. He felt like he could run a marathon, even with his injured leg.

He wanted the moment to last forever, but of course, as promised, Kayla walked in.

"NICO! Why aren't you sitting in the wheelchair. How have you not passed out from pain standing on your leg?!"

"I got some extra pain killers," he muttered to himself. From the look on his face, Nico knew Will heard him. His face flushed and was replaced by a bright red that even an apple wished they could be.

"Come on, lover boys! Let's get you back to your room so I can check Will, try to discharge Percy, and let you heal." Although her words sounded harsh, she spoke in a tone that Nico could only place as excitement.

"Fine, but I'm coming back, Solace!" Nico yelled as he was wheeled out.

"I'm counting on it, Di Angelo!" Will playfully returned.

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