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(Just warning, the last couple paragraphs have a bit of a trigger warning. I will mark where it starts. Enjoy the cliffhanger!)

When the final blow hit him, he had blacked out. He felt horrible. He had felt so bad for sending Will away. All he wanted to do was help Nico. And Nico had done what he always did. He pushed Will away.

As Nico started to gain consciousness, he realized not much time had passed. He was still on the floor, but he heard some one in his bathroom, rummaging through his stuff. At first he thought it was the Ares kids, but quickly heard the person talking to himself.

"I can't believe he wouldn't tell me. Oh Nico, what did u get yourself into this time?" Nico tried to sit up, as he realized the voice was Will. Will always had medical supplies in Nicos cabin, as Nico tended to get hurt pretty often.

He tried to sit up, and pain flared up in his ribs. He groaned in pain as he layed back down. Will must have heard him, because he came rushing over.

"Nico! Are you okay?! Who the heck were they!" He demanded with a look of concern and anger on his face.

"Will, I can't tell you. I-i just can't!" What Nico had said was the truth. The campers told Nico if he told anyone, than they would beat them up too. He didn't want Will to get hurt, too.

"Nico, please. I can help you," Will spoke soft and gently, as if Nico were a wild animal who would run at the slightest movement.

"Will, please just understand. I can't tell you. I want to, but..." before he could finish his sentence, he went into a coughing fit.

"Okay, let's get you to the infirmary. It looks like you've got a broken rib, and a nasty gash on your head." As Will said this, he picked Nico up bridal style.

"Will, I'm fine. I can walk to the infirmary." Even as he had said it he knew it wasn't true. Will was definitely right about his ribs being broken. Will didn't seem to belive Nico's statement either, but he didn't say anything.

^^^^^^^Time skip to the morning^^^^^^^

Will had made Nico stay overnight in the infirmary, and by morning Nico felt good as new. The nectar and ambrosia had helped to heal his broken rib, and the stitches in his head were well covered by his eyebrow.

"Morning Death Boy!" A biy with shaggy blond hair and scrubs on said as he walked into the room. Will. Oh gods. What if Nico made him mad because he didn't tell Will what happened. What if Will never wants to see him. What if he-

His thoughts were cut short by the feeling of warm lips on his. As soon as the kiss started, all of Nico's worry had disappeared. Fireworks went off in his mind. Butterflies flew in his stomach. As the kiss continued, he felt Wills tongue start to beg for entry. Nico allowed it.

Just as Wills tongue had started exploring, some one walked into the infirmary room.


"Well look what we have here..." the kid said as he locked the door while his four friends came in, "two gays trying to pretend to be men. Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Axel?"

(A/n What did you guys think. Any suggestions. I am going to try to come out with a new part every day, so keep reading and keep enjoying!)

Another boy, who was much bigger than Nico, and still bigger than Will, stepped forward and said, "I think they need to be straightened out."

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