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Something was off about the way Nico was acting. He seemed tense all night, like he was nervous about something. He wasn't telling Will, though. When Will kissed Nico goodnight and started jogging back to his cabin, he decided that he should probably go and talk to Nico when there were no people around.

Nico was very closed off and didn't always share things with Will when he was around people. If Will talked to him alone, maybe Nico would open up a little more and tell him what was going on. He turned around, and snuck around the back of the Hades cabin. He heard Nico crying when he opened the window to come in.

"Nico? Are you okay?" He asked "Why are you crying?" "Go away Will! Please..." He was practically begging Will to go away. "Nico, what is going on? Why are you upset?" Will was worried. Nico normally told him what was going on if he was upset enough to be crying. "Will, I can't tell you. You need to go. I-" his voice broke.

"Nico, you can tell me anything. You know that." Will said as he comforted his love.

"Will-" he was cut off by a loud bang on the door. His face paled and he turned to me again. "Will please leave. Now!" He yelled and Will turned to the back door and walked out, not saying another word. He was hurt by what the son of Hades had said. As he was about to leave, he felt something in his gut tell him that he should stay.

He snuck up to the window and peered in. In the dark he was able to make out three figures and Nico, who was slowly backing away from them. They were talking about something, but Will couldn't hear what. He just watched in horror as the figure in the middle landed a punch that had Nico on his back. Then the other two simultaneously kicked him in his ribs. Once, twice, and three times, until they stared laughing. Laughing! The one in the middle crouched down to Nico, grabbed his face, said something, and punched him once more. The boys body went limp, and the three got up to leave. Just as they opened the door, Will ran through the back door once again. What he saw was horrifying.

(Sorry for the small chapter. Just wanted to get something out while I work on the next chapter)

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