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(A/n Just a trigger warning, there is going to be mentions of blood and some gore, so if it bothers you, skip this chapter. Love you all)

She ran as fast as she could. Thankfully, Percy's room was close to Will's. On her way to Percy's room, she saw the other person she was looking for. Austin.

"Austin! Will's room! Prep for pneumothorax! Hurry!" He looked confused for a second, but quickly overcame it, and rushed off in the other direction.

Second later, Kayla arrived at Percy's room. Annabeth was in there, thankfully.

Kayla spoke only 6 words. "Get Nico to Will's room, now."

Percy and Annabeth both rushed out and got Nico. Kayla ran back to Will's room, Annabeth carrying Nico, and Percy not to far behind.

Kayla let Will and Nico have their moment while she ran off to the operating room. She found a team prepping the room, Austin at the lead. She gave him a quick nod, and rushed to go get Will into the OR.

She got there, to find that the anesthesia had already taken effect. Percy was wincing over his shoulder while Annabeth comforted Nico, who was holding Will's hand, and was he.....crying?

"Nico, I have to take him now." She said, gently, while also having a firm undertone.

"O-okay." As soon as Annabeth lifted Nico off the bed, Kayla frantically wheeled his bed out as quick as she could.

She arrived at the Operating Room, to Austin and a few other Apollo campers already in scrubs, and gloved up.

Her brother looked at her and said, "Well, hurry up and scrubs! You are leading this, right?" As he asked the question, a look only his twin could recognize as worry. His confidence was wavering. Kayla needed to take control of this situation.

"Of course! While I scrub, I need you all to carefully move him onto the table and start the heart monitor as well as the anesthesia monitor. Quickly!" Her orders snapped everyone out of their trance, and they all began to follow her orders as she started to scrub her hands, and glove up.

After the surgery, Kayla didn't really remember what had happened in there. She usually did this. She just kind of, blanks out. Her hands fly, working on everything that they need to do mindlessly.

Will was in the ICU, still recovering from the surgery. They had decided to do it microscopically, for a shorter recovery time. (A/n I don't know if this is actually how this works, so don't hate. 😁)

An hour and a half after the surgery, Kayla walked into Will's room to check on him. He was under a close monitor, as he did just undergo a major surgery.

She walked in on something she didn't expect. "Nico! What are you doing here?! You know there is no one allowed in the ICU, especially those who just got out of a major surgery!" She whisper yelled, trying not to wake other patients near by.

"I'm sorry, Kayla. I just-I just ne-needed to see that he w-was okay. I'm s-sorry." He stuttered as tears streamed down his face. Kayla just wanted to comfort him.

"You can stay, but just be quiet. If Chiron finds you, he'll kill me." She told him, but her features were softened.

She took one last glance at all the monitors hooked up to Will. She was furious. After taking in what had just happened over the past day and a half, all she wanted was justice for her brother. She would talk to Nico in the morning, and together they could report the attackers, together, for Will.

(A/n How does everyone like the story? I kind of hit some writers block, so super sorry for the late post. If anyone has any ideas for a good plot, leave them in the comments, and I can try to incorporate it into the story. I will give everyone credit for their ideas, though! Thanks for reading!)

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