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(A/n Just saying, once again, trigger warning for like the whole chapter. There are some harsh words and displays of assault. If you are sensitive to that kind of thing, don't continue! Otherwise, enjoy!)

As the boys walked in, Will noticed that one of them locked the door, and Will had the only key to the room. He counted how many had walked in. There were 5 boys, all as big and muscular as bears.

"What do u want, Jax?" Will asked, trying to hide his fear with bitterness.

"We want all the campers to know that this-" he pointed to Will and Nico, "-is not okay! A guy should never date another guy! It just ain't right!" Jax said, inching closer.

"Go away, Jax!" Nico said, though he was obviously scared out of his mind. Will put two and two together and realized that these must have been the same boys that hurt Nico the night before.

"No way your getting out of it this time." He smirked.

Before Will could say anything, the other four leaped at Nico and Will. Just like it was rehearsed, two jumped onto Nico, pinning him to the floor, and the other two jumped onto Will, pressing him against the wall. Will tried to struggle free, but he couldn't. They were strong.

"Hey, boys, why don't we change the plan a little. I have a better idea." Jax looked at his accomplises, and they seemed to all come to a silent agreement. They all knew the new plan, without even saying a word.

Jax walked over to a struggling Nico. He spoke with a malicious smirk, "Now, we can't have you trying to do anything, uh what shall we call it, magical." As he came up with the word he brought up his foot, and with as much force as he could muster, he dropped it down right onto Nico's ankle, with a resonating crack. Nico howled in pain, before one of the guys holding him down shoved a towel into his mouth, gagging him.

"Maybe Jason or Percy heard. Their cabin are right near the infirmary." Will thought to himself. His thoughts were broken when the three campers walked over, leaving Nico in his pain.

"We had to make sure the gays wouldn't try to help eachother. Can't have that happen, can we, Axel?"

"No, we can't Jax."

Will began to struggle more. He was pretty strong, because he was a healer, and managed to shake one of the guys holding him. But before he could take out the other one, the two who were holding Nico came up and grabbed him, pinning him even harder against the wall. Thats when Jax started laying out the punches, straight to Will's face.
Date a girl!
Get rid of Di Angelo!
You can't even heal him!
They kept saying those things over and over, keeping the punches going, and now starting to knee him right in the stomach. Will dropped to his knees, his face covered in blood, and clutched his stomach.

Thats when the banging started at the door. The people banging started to yell. Will recognized the voices, but they sounded distant. Everything sounded muffled. He was dizzy, and his stomach hurt. Just as the door was shoved open, Axel layed one more punch to the back of Will's head, and everything went dark immediately. Will blacked out.

(A/n What did you guys think? Tomorrow, I am thinking of posting two chapters. Also, tomorrows chapter will be from a new point of view! Its a surprise!)

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