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"I'm counting on it, Di Angelo!" Will couldn't wait to see his boyfriend again. Nico seemed so happy, even though he couldn't bare weight on his leg.

A couple minutes after Nico left, Kayla walked in to check Wills vitals.

"You know how this goes, Will. I need to take your vitals." Will rolled his eyes in annoyance, but still allowed her to take his vitals.

Kayla started with Will's pulse, and made a little check in his chart. Then she went on to his blood pressure, and marked another check. She then checked his heart rate, and yet again, another check.

"Kayla, I feel fine. There's no need to fuss. Other patients need help, too." Will remarked to break the silence.

"Will, usually, I agree with your opinions, value them even. But right now, I don't care what you think is important. You were just knocked out cold and was out for 18 hours. Now, stick out your tongue, I need to check your temperature." She said with a sigh.

"Whatever," Will playfully answered, as he stuck out his tongue while Kayla placed the thermometer in his mouth.

"Will! What the heck, do you feel okay?!" She said as she read the meter.

"Ya, why?" Will asked, confused.

"Because your temp is at 103.4! You are burning up!" (A/n For anyone who uses Celsius, 98.6 is a normal temperature, so a fever of 103.4 should put you in a hospital.)

"Are you sure you took it right? I feel fine," Will questioned, concern rising in his voice.

"I can take it again, using a different thermometer. Hang on, I'll be right back." And with that she walked, grabbed another, and took his temperature, yet again.

"Well, what does it say?" Will asked her impatiently.

"It still says 103.4." She said after a moment of think, "Will take off your shirt. I need to see something."

As Will took off his shirt, he realized what she was thinking. He had a nasty bruise the size of a boot on his left side, right where his ribs were.

"Will, I think you may have an untreated broken rib or two. Do you feel any struggle breathing?"

Will realized that he had felt much more labored in his breathing, but didn't think much of it. Doctors really do make the worst patients.

"Ya, and it hurts to, like bigger breaths," he told her.

"Can you take a deep breath for me?" She asked as she placed her stethoscope on his back, as he took as deep a breath he could, but had a coughing fit as he was sucking in the air. Kayla got him a towel to cough into, and when he finished, he layed back, eyes closed, and handed her the towel.

"Will, take it easy." She said. Then she looked at the towel.

"Oh gods! Will!" She yelled as she ran over to his side.

"What?" He still felt exhausted from his coughing fit, which he knew wasn't normal.

"Will, I am so sorry, but we need to get you to surgery." She showed him the towel.

"P-punctured l-l-lu-lungs." He stuttered, partly in pain, partly in shock.

"Ya. We must not have known because you were asleep." She placed an oxygen mask over Will's face, and told him she was going to get some of the other senior doctors there.

"Wait." He mustered. "G-get N-Nic-co. P-P-please."

"Okay. I can have Percy grab Nico. I'm just going to give you the anesthesia now, that way we can start as soon as the others get here." She connected a tube to the breathing mask, and ran out of the room, going the same way she went when she took Nico away not too long ago.

Will could feel the anesthesia taking effect. He was trying so hard to fight it. He just wanted to see his love one more time, in case he didn't make it. His eyes were droopy. He fought it more. Where is he? Will thought to himself.

Seconds later, Nico was carried into the room, bridal style by Annabeth. Percy was right behind them, wincing from the sudden motions causing pain in his shoulder.

"Will!" Nico cried. He sounded so...sad. Annabeth brought Nico over and sat him down on Will's bed, right by Will's shoulder.

"Ni-nico. I-I love you. S-so much." Will's eyes got heavier. He fought to stay awake. His eyes started closing.

He then felt cold lips against his own. Nico. He needed to...stay...awake. Stay...awake.

"I love you, baby. You are my one and only sunshine." Nico whispered in Will's ear. Then everything went black. The feeling of anything, gone. All he could think was, Sunshine. I am his sunshine.

(A/n Soooo, who loves the cliffhanger? Just wandering if anyone would be interested in another fanfic of Percabeth after Tartarus. I have some ideas to do, but I want to know if anyone would read it. Anyway, enjoy your day, and ponder the cliffhanger!)

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