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Percy was NOT okay. He was in so much pain he threw up. Knowing him, he probably is trying to hide most of his pain, just so that his friends don't worry about him. That was his fatal flaw, loyalty. 

As we walked out of the infirmary, I could see him grimace with every step.  Yet, he was still determined to find out who hurt Will and Nico. Annabeth could at least understand why he was letting himself stay in pain. She wanted to know who did this just as much as he did. She would be willing to get injured too, just to get justice for Nico and Will. 

After what felt like forever, they arrived at the Ares cabin. It was about ten minutes until curfew, so they should all be inside. Annabeth at least figured that Clarisse would be inside, seeing as though she is the head counselor of the cabin. 

Jason was about to knock on the door, before Annabeth stopped him. "Wait. We need to get one thing straight before you hotheads go in and explode on the cabin." She sent Percy and Jason a glance, daring them to challenge her. "We are just going after a lead. There is no hard evidence against them yet. What we are about to accuse them of could get us into trouble, if we are wrong. Let me do the talking." She added extra emphasis on her last sentence. 

They both nodded, as if scared to go against her. She motioned for Jason to knock, and he did. After a few breathless seconds, Clarisse answered. 

"What happened to you, Jackson? Fall off the rock wall again?" She chuckled to herself, and Percy looked like he was about to kick her face in, but Jason grabbed his good shoulder to pull him back. 

"Actually, that's what we are here to talk about. There was an attack in the infirmary, an attack on Nico and Will. We have sources that have led us to your cabin. Would you like to speak to us in private about the matter, or right here?" Annabeth spoke, keeping her calm tone. 

Clarisse seemed to get a lot more serious about the situation. "We can talk inside my cabin." She motioned for the three to come in, and also kicked 7 campers out, and told one of them, Jax, (second in command of Ares cabin) to stay behind. Then she spoke again. "So, what led you to believe one of us did this?" 

"Actually, 5 of you." Jason paused, then spoke again.

"This occurred yesterday, after curfew hours. Nico was in the infirmary, about to be discharged by Will. Five campers were seen fleeing the seen, and other sources saw five Ares campers, unidentified, running back into their cabin, around the same time this incident happened."

"So, if they were unidentified, why did you come here?" 

"Because, as head counselor, you are obliged to tell us who entered your cabin after hours." Percy remarked, in a rather bitter tone. 

"Let me go get the names. I have them written on our 'Punishment Sheet'." She walked away, and Annabeth spoke what she was thinking the whole conversation. 

"You seem nervous Jax. Anything you know about the..uh...situation?" As she said this, he looked visibly worried, but then masked it quickly. Only trained eyes could pick up on it though.

"No, nothing. I have no idea what you are talking about," he said with a smirk on his face. Percy and Jason picked up on what Annabeth had just said, and they looked confused, but Annabeth just continued her questioning.

"Are you sure? Sweaty palms, dilated pupils, the twitch in your left index finger every time we mention the assault. You are hiding something." Annabeth got into his face, knowing that she was right. 

He was about to answer when Clarisse yelled as loud as sh could from the other room. "JAXON! YOU ARE GOING TO GO STRAIGHT TO THE FEILDS OF PUNISHMENT IF THIS IS WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Clarisse yelled as loud as she could, then spoke, deadly calm, "Explain."

(A/n A little bit of a cliffhanger. Will he be able to lie his way out? Or will he get away with what he did?)

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