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(A/n Sorry, this chapter is super short. I just figured that because of the plot holes with Percy's arm and Jason worrying about Nico, I should make a chapter to fix it! Enjoy!)

Nico was definitely upset. Kayla came into the room about an hour ago to take Will to surgery, and Nico hasn't stopped crying since.

"Nico, I know your upset, but you need to try to eat something. Will wouldn't like you skipping meals," Annabeth told him, while still holding him close to her, in a sisterly hug.

"Okay. Just, can I be alone? I need a minute."

"Ya, of course. Just let Annabeth take you back." He nodded and Annabeth took him out of the room and returned a few moments later.

"Percy, I'm worried about him. He seems so...I don't know...not him. He hates crying in front of people normally, but he just let the river flow here."

"Ya. We need to figure out who did this to Will and Nico. I'm sure Nico knows, but I don't know why he won't tell us."

Annabeth thought for a moment, then spoke, "What if they threatened to hurt more people if he said anything. I mean, it would make sense. He keeps saying this is his fault. He is probably too scared to say anything."

Percy loved his girlfriend so much. She made this point and said it with so much confidence that he believed it 100%.

Percy started to stand up to kiss her, but winced at the flare of pain in his shoulder.

"Easy there, Seaweed Brain. You know ambrosia doesn't do very much for broken bones." She walked over to him and planted a kiss on his lips. It was short, but still perfect.


"Hey, how is Wi-" Jason walked in, a look of fear and confusion. "Where is Will? And Nico?" He asked, somehow sounding more panicked than before.

"Jason, Will had to be rushed into a surgery. Kayla found he had a punctured lung, and it was pretty bad so they took him to the OR. He has been there for about an hour. Nico is in his room. He wanted to be alone for a couple minutes. He isn't taking this too well." Percy told him.

Jason took a minute to take that in,  and then finally spoke, "Okay. We need to figure out who did this though. Has Nico said anything?"

Annabeth started to talk, but Percy shot her a glance that he hoped she understood. They had a silent conversation that went something like this.
Don't tell him!


Please, just trust me.

Fine, but your explaining later.

Then she spoke aloud, "No, he hasn't said anything."

Jason looked unconvinced, but let it go. "So do we do know that this has to be an Ares camper. Annabeth mentioned something about seeing 5 sneak back into their cabin around the same time this happened." He looked at Annabeth to see her give him a nod.

"Ya, we should go question the cabin." Percy spoke. Jason and Annabeth started walking out, but once Percy stood up, he once again felt the pain of the Styx in his shoulder and through his arm. He let out a scream.

"Woah, take it easy Perce. You okay?" Jason asked, worried for his best friend.

"I am f-" he was cut off as another wave of nauseating pain throbbed through his arm and up his neck. He felt his mouth go dry and doubled over.

(A/n Throwing up is mention here, so if that bothers you, skip it.)
Annabeth knew what was about to happen and ran over with a bucket. Percy threw up inside. The pain was so bad, and his constant reaching wasn't helping the pain.

After ten minutes Jason asked, "What just happened? Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine. Just a little pain. Nothing I can't handle." As he said this he threw up again from his sudden movements.

"Should I go get someone?" Jason asked, still concerned.

"No, no I'm fine. It just, hurts a little."

Percy really did need Jason to help him, because Percy was not used to feeling so, hurt. He felt so helpless. He hated being such a burden to everyone. His arm still ached but (with protest from Annabeth and Jason) he managed to stand up and drink some water.

"I'm okay now. Let's go figure this out." He gave them a lob sided grin and they all walked out of the room, dead set on finding out who hurt their friends.

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