The Move

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                        We made it back to Freeridge in a couple days. Leon helped me unpack and get all settled in. 

                   "I need you to know something for this to really work out," Leon said sitting on my bed. 

                     "Okay, shoot," I said sitting beside him. 

                                "I'm involved in this gang called the Santos. Dad was in it too, that's how he got shot, but the most important part I need you to remember is to mind your own business when it comes to them. Can you do that?" 

                 "I promise."

                    "Good, now, I got someone coming over that I'm going to introduce you to, he's a couple years younger then you, but he's a good kid, and this way you got at least one friend through the summer," Leon smiled. 

               "How sweet," I laughed. 

                               About 20 minutes later a knock was heard on the door, then Leon yelled, "Ry, come here!"
                                   "Coming," I said and walked into the living room. 

                             "Ryan, this is Cesar. Cesar, this is my sister, Ryan," Leon said. 

                              "Hi," I smiled. 

                            "Hey, you wanna come kick it?" Cesar asked. 

                       "Sure, can I?" I asked Leon. 

                           "Bye," he laughed. 

                                       I smiled and we walked out the door. We walked and talked then ended up at another house. Cesar knocked and a woman answered, "hey Cesar. Oh? Who's this?" She asked looking at me. 

                       "This is Ryan, she's new to town," Cesar smiled. 

                          "Well, come on in. Ruby's in his and Mario's room with Jamel and Monse," she said. 

                   "Thank you. Come on, Ryan," Cesar smiled pulling me along with him. 

                                     We walked into a room with 2 guys and one other girl, "Who is the babe?" One boy asked. 

                    "Guys, this is Ryan, she just moved in with Leon. Ryan, this is Ruby, Jamel, and Monse," Cesar smiled. I waved to them. 

                            "Cesar, did you say Leon?" Jamel asked. 

                      "Yeah, why?" Cesar asked. 

                          "Why are you running around with a Santos girlfriend?" Ruby asked. 

                                 "Leon is my big brother," I laughed. 

                "Oh okay," Jamel sighed, we all laughed. 

                                   Over the course of a couple weeks we'd all got pretty close. Monse was leaving for some writing came, "make sure you keep them in line," Monse smiled. 

                              "I'll try," I laughed and hugged her. 

                                       A couple weeks later, Cesar, Jamel, Ruby, and I were all hanging out at Leon and I's when Leon burst through the front door, "what's wrong, mano?" I asked.  

                          "Spooky's home. You should probably get home, Lil' Spooky," Leon said then walked to his bedroom. 

                      Cesar's smile dropped then he just stood up and left, "Who is Spooky?" I asked. 

                                 "He's Cesar's big brother. We should go too," Ruby said. 

                              "Catch you later," Jamel said and they all but walked out the door. 

                                  I stood from the couch and walked to Leon's room knocking on the door, "Leon?" 

                 "Come in. Don't talk to me through the door, mija," he laughed. I walked in, "what's up?"
                                     "Who is Spooky?" I asked. 

                             "He's the leader for the Santos, Cesar's big brother, and one of my closest friends. Why?" he asked me. 

                "Just wondering. Everyone kind of froze up when you told Cesar he was home. Where'd he go?"
                    "Locked up. Spooky is kind of a scary guy, he didn't get that nickname for nothing. You'll meet him," Leon smiled. I just nodded and went back to my bedroom. 


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