The Fight

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              The next day I got up and got dressed for school and met the gang out front. When we got to school Jamel and I split off from the others so he could fill me in on what he found out about Rose. Then we saw Cesar who looked horrible. 

                          "You look like shit," Jamel said. 

                            "I didn't sleep well last night," Cesar said. 

                              "You should get a temper pedic pillow. They're great for sleeping," Jamel said. 

                          "Is it even a pillow issue?" I asked. 

                          "No, I kissed Olivia last night," Cesar said. 

                         "Why would you say that in front of big mouth Jamel?" I asked. 

                           "You have to tell everyone else, NOW!" Jamel said. 

                                       Cesar pulled out his phone, "I'll send it to the gang chat."

                           "No, you don't deliver news like that, that way!" Jamel said throwing and breaking Cesar's phone, "Whoops. Here, I'll lend you my watch. You have maybe 6 hours tops before I break. A timer is set on my phone and synced to the watch. Good luck," Jamel said walking away. 

                    "I'll try to keep his mouth shut," I said. 

                     "Thank you," Cesar smiled. I nodded and walked to class. 

                                  At lunch Jamel and I sat together to discuss Rose and so I could keep his mouth shut. Then Ruby walked over to us, "I need your help on my new website. Meet at my house after school."

                "Okay," I smiled. 

                                    On our way to our next class we ran into Cesar, "we're meeting at Ruby's after school. Come over then and drop the bomb," I said. 

                           "Okay, cool," Cesar smiled. 

                                      After school we all went to Ruby's to see it wasn't just us, Jasmine, Olivia, and Monse were there too, "let's get started," Ruby said. 

             "Shouldn't we wait for Cesar?" Jamel asked. 

            "I said no Cesar and you invite him anyway? How rude!" Ruby yelled. 

                     "He's our friend!" Jamel said. They started to argue and I just sat there and watched the door waiting for Cesar to run through, "we're leaving,"Jamel said pulling me off the couch. 

                        Jamel opened the front door, screamed, and slammed it shut, "why'd you do that?" I asked. 

                   "Spooky's out there!" Jamel said. 

                            Ruby started to shake slightly, I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Oscar smiled at me and said, "you seen Cesar? Santos shit came up, and I can't get him on his phone."

                   "No, he's phone got broken. Is Leon okay?" I asked. Oscar's smile dropped and he turned to walk away. 

                   Jamel slammed the door, "we're still leaving. Just giving Spooky a head start," then the door busted open and Oscar ran in. 

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