Handling Business

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                      Cesar and the rest of us decided we should go talk to Rose again. During our talk we found out Chuilio is crazy and is probably just going to kill him and then us  when she finds him. We left and went back to talk to Oscar. 

                  "I'll set up a meeting with her about something  and get it taken care of," Oscar said. 

                   "You know we have to kill her, right?" I asked. 

          "Since when have you been on board with killing people?" Cesar asked. 

            "I always have been. You don't even know the half of what I wanted to do to the Prophets when they gunned down Leon and Olivia and shot Ruby!" I practically growled and noticed Ruby get visible chills. 

               A couple days later Oscar said, "I'll handle it. Go somewhere public and be on your phones," 

               I kissed him, "be safe, please," I said. Oscar nodded and kissed me again. 

                     We all decided to go bum around the gas station, that's when I decided to take the tests. I grabbed Monse and made her come with me. When the test came back I cried, while Monse held me close to her, "it's all going to be okay, Ry," Monse said. 

                     3 days had passed since that night and still no word from Oscar. We'd been hunched down at Ruby's house so we decided to go to the other Santos for help. Cesar and I went  to the hangout spot when they're not bumming around our house. 

               "Anyone seen or heard from Spooky?" Cesar asked. 

                "He probably ran off to Vegas with Letti," Joker said. 

                    Sad Eyes shook his head no, I got visible shakes. Cesar smacked the pieces to their game away. Joker jumped up and got in Cesar's face, "I said, has anyone seen or heard from Spooky? You all claim to be his ride of die, yet here you are!" Cesar yelled.  

                  "Why isn't anyone looking?" I pipped up. 

                            All the other Santos looked at me, "you might be Spooky's woman and wearing that cross, but we don't answer to you!" Joker shot. 

                   "I'm not just Spooky's woman and wearing this fucking cross. I'm the daughter or Kill-shot, sister to Uno and they were both ranked higher then you could ever dream, Joker. They were both apart of this gang. How can you go this long without hearing from Oscar, when you're normally bumming it up around our house, drinking our fucking booze, eating our food, to nothing? Why aren't you all fucking looking for him?" I screamed making eye contact with every single one of them, "Now that I've made my goddamn point, why don't you get off your fucking asses and start looking," I growled the last part. 

              "We hear you Lil' Spooky and mama. We'll go look. Let's go," Sad Eyes said, they all looked from me to Sad Eyes then they all took off. 

                       Sad Eyes took us to a motel and gave us guns, "Spooky's not going to be happy when he finds out I just gave you a gun, mama," he chuckled. 

               "I'll tell him I forced you to do it and didn't give you any other option, or that I stole it from you when you wasn't looking," I smiled and hugged him. 

                 Someone knocked on the door. Sad Eyes and Cesar stood on either side of the door while I opened it. It was the gang. They came in and Sad Eyes dipped out. Monse pulled me to the side, "should you be doing this?"
                       "Yes," I said. 

                      "We've come  up with a plan," Jamel said. Cesar and I both nod for him to continue, "Ruby, you tell them," he said then left the room. 

                     Ruby tells us, gets pale, then leaves the room. I also left a few seconds later to check on the boys. I was sitting beside Ruby rubbing his back when Cesar and Monse came down from the room. Cesar nodded for Ruby to make the call with the burner phone. Right before Ruby could make the call a white charger pulled up, "Lil' Spooky," the passenger said. 

                        Cesar walked over and was handed a paper and a phone, then they left. I felt my stomach turn. 

                     "It's an address," Cesar said. 

                       "Let's go back to the house and get the car. I'll drive," I said. Everyone nodded and we went back to the house. 

                      When we got to the address we noticed it was a wooded area. We walked in, "look for a path, then we follow it in deep," Cesar said. 

                  "Why deep?" Jamel asked. 

                         "You don't bury a body this close to the road," I sighed. 

                  "Found it," Monse said and we all followed it. 

                     We'd been walking for about an hour or 2 when Jamel and Ruby started to fight and argue. Cesar got irritated and snapped, soon all 4 of them wee yelling, "shut up! All of you. We got more important shit to worry about other then a fucking fruit roll up! Do you think you can pull your shit together long enough so we can see if Oscar is alive. I'd like to know if I'm raising a baby on my own or if I'm going to get some help!" I snapped. 

                     Cesar froze, Jamel's mouth dropped open, Ruby just looked at my stomach, and Monse stood there already knowing. I walked past them continuing on the path. They followed close behind me. We came to a huge hole in the ground. Just as we walked over to see who was down in the hole we started to hear whistling. Cesar pushed everyone, mainly me, back, then Jamel and Ruby pushed me further behind them too. 

                       Cesar started firing off shots into the air. I noticed him backing towards the hole, so I shoved passed the others and ran over to him, catching him right before he could fall in. I looked down to see Chuilio, I made Cesar look too. 

                   19 street boys started to come over and surround us. Cesar pushed  me behind him. The leader nodded and another set fire to the hole she was in, "where is he?" Cesar asked. 

              "He'll find you," he said. 

                             We all hauled it back to Freeridge. I dropped Monse, Ruby, and Jamel off at their own houses then Cesar and I went back home to wait for Oscar. We were both sitting on the couch when Cesar looked over at me, "what?" I asked.

                  "You know you wouldn't be raising that baby alone if something had happened to Oscar, right? I would've helped you. Sad Eyes too. He's got a soft spot for you," Cesar said. 

              "I know, Cesar. Thank you," I leaned over and kissed his cheek, "let's not tell Oscar until after I got to the doctor and get confirmation, okay?" I asked. 

               "Of course, Ry," he smiled. 

                          About 30 minutes later Oscar came limping in. I jumped up and ran to him and jumped into his arms hugging him, then Cesar joined in. I repeatedly kissed his face. 

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