Back Where He Belongs

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                                 A couple days after my  birthday Monse stayed the night with me for a girls night. We were laying down talking when she said, "I found my mom. She lives in Brentwood."

                       "Really? That's exciting!" I smiled. We talked more then fell asleep. 

                                         After a few weeks I noticed I was seeing less and less of the gang, not by choice of course. I decided to go to Ruby's to see them. When I got there and knocked Mario answered the door, he looked me up and down, then smiled, "hey you," he said. 

                          "Hey yourself," I laughed. 

                        "Come on in," he said allowing me inside. I walked in and he gave me a hug. 

                      "How you been?" I asked once we pulled apart. 

                     "Good. Getting ready to be a dad. How you been?" 

                      "Congrats! Good. Seeing Spooky now," I smiled. 

                     "Really? Is that a Santos cross?" He asked shocked. 

                   "Yeah," I smiled, then I spotted Abuela in the kitchen waving me over, "excuse me, Mario. I think Abuela needs me," I smiled and walked over to her. 

                 "What are you doing here, mija?" She asked. 

                 "I came to see Ruby and everyone, but I don't know where they are and no one's answering their phones," I said. 

                 "They're all at Jamel's," she said 

                  "Oh okay," I nodded then left for home. 

                                I walked back to the house and was in there for all of maybe 10 minutes when a brick came flying through the living room window. I screamed and locked myself in Leon's room grabbing the 9 mm I'd found and called Oscar. When he didn't answer I called Sad Eyes. 


Sad Eyes: Hello?

Ryan: Someone just threw a brick through the window!

Sad Eyes: Hold on, I'm on the way mama!

Ryan: Please hurry!

                        *END OF CALL*

                                   Not even 10 minutes after we hung up I heard the front door open and Sad Eyes yelled out, "mamas, it's me. Where you at?"

                      I flew from Leon's room and into Sad Eye's arms, "I tried to call Oscar, but he didn't answer! I didn't know who else to call. I'm sorry, I was just so scared!" I practically cried. 

                       "Don't ever feel like you can't call me, for anything, mama. I've always got you," he said as he held me to his chest. 

                            Sad Eyes let go of me once I calmed down and looked at the brick, then he pulled out his phone and called Oscar, who answered. Sad Eyes told him what happened. Oscar was at the house in seconds. 

                       "Are you okay?" He asked me. 

                      "I'm fine," I said. 

                  "You can't stay here no more," Oscar said and Sad Eyes nodded in agreement. 

              "I'm not leaving!"

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