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Thanks a lot for choosing my book, means a heck of a lot. I really hope you enjoy it. Please note, I am writing on my own pace, updates are unpredictable, but I think they'll probably be slow as heck. I'm sorry.

All events, some places and all characters are completely made up. So don't go on Google Maps and try and find places or search for people's Instagram accounts. You won't find anything. And if you do find something, trust me its not accurate. It is fiction after all. Only thing that is accurate is the fact the story takes place in Down Town, Johannesburg South Africa. It's the only accurate thing you can Google. Lol.


Compared to my other works, this will be different as I am planning on writing a book about my life, so I'm making my new works more related to my struggles through the character's personality traits and thoughts. This is gonna be tough for me so I hope its worthwhile...


Please don't forget to vote and comment as you go along, you have no idea how rewarding it feels to see at least one vote for a full book. I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask anything and I'll be sure to answer asap.

Oooh almost forgot... if y'all can help me with a proper cover that would be much appreciated I need to find one other than the one I made, it makes me cringe like, no joke, its horrible.

Thanks again.

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