Chp. 5

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I walked into class and took my seat. Mr Kooman gave us work and I got straight into it. That was until I heard a familiar voice from the door.

"Umm... good morning sir, uhh can I talk to Marissa?"

I looked up to see Tsepo. I looked at the teacher who gave me a nod. Tsepo stepped outside and I got up from my seat and went outside to him. He stood there head down and hands in his pockets as he wait for me.


He looked up at me, "I need some of your good stuff."


"Who's in charge here?" I went silent. "My gents want some, and I'm out. I need more."

"You know if he catches me, he's going to kill me."

"Nah man nothing will happen, you gonna be careful ah neh? You've been my supplier for what, a year and half now? It's nothing. Just three packs. Three. I'll pay you extra, it's fine."

I sighed. "When?"

"Tomorrow... I mean Monday."

I looked away and let out a breath feeling pressured by the request. "Fine," I mumbled.

Tsepo smiled, "That's my girl." He gave me a brief kiss on the lips and walked off. "Aye wifey! How you doing?" he exclaimed wrapping his arm around a girl.

I sighed and made my way back to class. I took my seat and went on with my work. The bell finally rang and I went to History, nothing much happened there but when I got to Math things began to change. Mrs Nzuza was absent and as a result we had a substitute teacher.

She had given us work but as usual, in the case of Mrs Nzuza's absence, the class didn't bother doing anything. They were rather, chatting, gossiping, fooling around and so forth. I, as the only smart one there, was busy with my work so I wouldn't have homework, when in the corner of my eye I noticed Chantel walk in.

I looked up and saw her uniform which was usually neat and perfect was crumpled and skew, with the first two buttons undone. Her braids which were usually tied into a high ponytail or a bun was all over the show. She sounded breathless as she excused herself and made her way to her desk.

"Yoh Chantel and then?!" I heard Melissa ask.

"What haibo!"

"Where were you in English?"

"I was busy."



Just then Alex walked in. The boys began cheering for him and giving him nods of respect. I'm sure you're wondering why. Alex and Chantel were probably busy in some corner. And the boys in this school are immature enough to respect their peers who have the nerve to have sex in school.

Usually it's the same guys, all part of the gang, all do drugs and all criminals.

"Sies Chnatel, with Alex. Even with Mr Chirwa and Mr Bently at the same time is better."

Chantel rolled her eyes as Natalie gave an exaggerated gasp, "Yoh Alex, they just said you're worse than Mr Chirwa and Mr Bently combined."

"Shes jealous. Melissa, if want a turn after school is after school, if you can last thirty minutes, I'll pay you," Alex smirked.

"Tsk sies, mena I'm not a prostitute," Melissa stated in disgust.

"But you're Tsepo's prostitute," Natalie corrected.

Melissa looked at Tsepo and said, "At least he's not ugly."

The class discussion stopped there, I had finished my work and was just pretending to be reading as I picked up some spice from small conversations here and there.

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