Chp. 13

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Melissa's POV

Mrs Ivey led me out of her classroom locking the door. I looked over my shoulder to see Moses sitting down on the corridor looking horrible. I looked at Mrs Ivey and asked, "Where is she?"

"Somewhere she can relax."

We walked to a part of the school I hadn't seen before. It was actually well mantained. Flower beds, a fountain and a few bushes. Only staff were probably allowed here. It was really hard to believe such a place even existed in this school, not even in the school, in this town.

I stopped walking when I saw Marissa.

Marissa's POV

I was writing when the pen I was using just stopped working. I scribbled on the page but still the ink refused to exit. Feeling frustrated I wanted to break the pen when Keegan grabbed it and gave me a new one. I gave him a look and scribbled on the edge of the page to check if it was working.

I looked at Keegan and gave a soft thank you. He smiled.

I continued writing until I heard someone call my name. I looked behind me to see Mrs Ivey standing there with Melissa.

I turned and stared at the sheet of paper in front of me.

Why did she bring her here? Melissa is one of the last people I want to see right now.

Keegan stood up and Mrs Ivey sat in his place. "Marissa, I know you don't want to see Melissa, but she is here to help you."

"How could she possibly help me?"

"She's here to apologize. Please just give her a chance."

Mrs Ivey got up and Melissa took her place. I didn't look at her, I just stared down at my fingers as I fiddled with the pen.

"Marissa, I know what I did to you was evil and cruel, and I'm not expecting you to forgive me, but I'm here to apologize. Marissa, I'm so, so, so sorry. I punched you, kicked you, insulted and criticised you for no reason.

"I thought being a good friend meant helping her no matter what, hating who she hates, and hurting who she hurts, but I was wrong. I don't know why Chantel hates you, but I know I hated you because I thought as her friend it was what I had to do. I'm sorry."

I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say. How to react. She and Chantel had scarred me. And sorry doesn't heal scars.

I thought of all the insults, all the kicks and punches, all the bruises, all the blood and I found myself growing angry. I gritted my teeth and tapped the pen on the table my grip on it tightening.

She lay her hand on mine and at that moment I snapped. I looked her in the eyes. "Sorry? After all you have done to me, all you can say is sorry?!" I spat.

I got up and dropped the pen on the ground stepping on it so the cartridge broke.

"Say sorry to it!" I ordered.

Melissa looked at me in confusion.

"Say sorry!" I repeated.

She did as I said and said sorry to the pen.

"Did it go back together?! Is better now?!"

She just stared at me in silence.

"Answer me damn it! Does the pen feel better now?!"


"Now tell me, do you think I feel better?!"

She sighed, "No."

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