Chp. 12

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I scrambled to my feet while buttoning my shirt, at the same time calling for Moses. I pushed past Tsepo and ran after him.

"Moses! Please, wait!"

He stopped and looked at me tears in his eyes puffing in anger.

"I swear on my mother's grave it wasn't me! It wasn't what it looked like!"

"It wasn't what it looked like?!"

"It wasn't, I swear... I-"

"You're a fucking slut! Just like every girl in this fucked up school!"


"I thought you were better than that... but of course... everyone here is the same-"

I grabbed him by his arm and fell to my knees, "Moses please listen... Moses! Please, I'm begging you, listen!"

"Let me go! Don't touch me!"

"Moses please..."

He grabbed me by the shirt and looked me in the eyes, "Don't call me. Don't talk to me. Go and be the slut you are and fuck with Tsepo behind another tree. Go and sleep with whoever the hell you want. Even your own father, I don't care.

"Don't come anywhere near me. Don't look at me. Don't even think of me. If you want to go jump off a building... go! I don't care! Go kill yourself! Go spend the rest of your miserable life alone! Go spend the rest of eternity in hell!"

"Moses... you promised you wouldn't hurt me," I sobbed.

"That was before I knew who you are. You are not the girl I thought you were. Chantel was right... maybe you are a witch... maybe you did kill your own mother. Well guess what... you won't kill me bitch."

He let me go and walked off.

The world around me seemed to spin yet stop at the same time. I was shaking and my breathing was growing out of control. Tears flooding my face as I just stared out in the direction Moses went, hoping he'd come back and apologize. Like he always did. Say he was sorry and that he was just joking. But the longer I stayed, the more disappointed I was.

I got up and started walking off. I saw Tsepo, standing there, hands in his pockets, his eyes on me. I walked up to him, stopping when I was standing in front of him.

I looked into his eyes, tears did not cease to roll down my face. "Thank you," I breathed out.

The rest of the school day went like a blur. I didn't pay attention in any of my classes. Tsepo was quiet through all the lessons we had together while Moses didn't seem to care. Some boys said he and Alex got high but I really didn't care.

Well at least I thought I didn't. It was last lesson and Mrs Nzuza and I were busy running around the school running errands. She sent me to her classroom to get something. So I walked to the classroom and took two steps inside.

I froze at what I saw.

Chantel was sitting on top of Moses at the back corner of the classroom, sucking on him. She was biting and sucking and licking on his neck while he just sat there, smiling, occasionally moaning, with his eyes closed.

I felt shattered.

He said he loved me, but it took him less than two hours to get over me. That hurt. Well, maybe I should feel happy for him, happy that at least one of us was going to recover from this heartache. That one of us... was going to be ok.

I walked to Mrs Nzuza's desk searching it for the item I was sent to fetch. After a while with no luck on top of getting tired of watching Moses and Chantel enjoy themselves, I decided to leave. But unfortunately I was stopped when I heard Moses say something.

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