Chp. 6

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The bell rang for the end of the day, I was walking by lonesome self minding my own business when Tsepo approached me. "Aweh, how you doing?"

"Someone's in a good mood," I stated.

He smiled. "Dont forget, I need my stuff on Monday. I'll owe you."

I sighed.

He got me to stop walking and lifted my chin so I was looking into his eyes, "Hey, what's up?"

"Tsepo, I swear if my father kills me, my blood is in your hands."

"Hai man, calm down, stop worrying. You'll be fine." He got me to carry on walking as he went on, "You just have to sneak in, get it, get out. Finished. Simple. Don't doubt yourself, you've done this before, I'm sure you can do it again."

I sighed. He turned my head and gave me a kiss on my lips. "Open for me," he whispered. He used his thumb to pull down my bottom lip before he kiss me again, slipping his tongue into my mouth.

He broke the kiss and smirked. "See you around." He left and I sighed. I continued my journey home and on the way I saw Tsepo, Moses, Alex and a few other guys running. Shortly after I saw a breathless security guard trying to run after them but slowing down.

I wonder what they did this time. 

I ignored it and continued with my journey home. I walked into the flat, greeting the security guard before I made my way upstairs. I plugged my key into the keyhole and twisted it unlocking the door. I walked inside to see the monster packing.

I closed the door behind me as my father walked up and down, stuffing his bag with stuff. I was heading for my room when I heard speak to me. He didn't call me to get my attention, he never does. When it's only he and I in the room and he speaks, he's talking to me.

"I'm leaving for a week," he stated.

"Why?" I enquired.

"I'm taking care of business. If I can do that, I'll be promoted."

I didn't say anything. I didn't know what to say, how to feel. So I walked into my room closing the door behind me. I undid my shirt buttons and took it off. I looked at my reflection, looking at my body.

I was skinny as usual. Not that I ate a cow and didn't gain a gram. I never ate. I always ate between 0 and once a day. Most of the time though, I didn't eat. Not because I'm anorexic, but because I'm not taken care of.

I am sixteen years of age, yes I can take care of myself. But I can't do that when my father can't even provide me with my basic needs. He doesn't buy food, he doesn't pay for electricity. If he pays the rent its because he needs a place to live.

If he's hungry he goes and buys fast food or he searches the fridge for leftovers which he didn't even contribute any input into. I have to buy prepaid electricity, I have to buy my own food, I have to pay for my own entertainment, not that I ever need it, but I have to be self sufficient. All the money Tsepo pays me I spend on taking care of myself.

I can't even get what I want, cause I have to get what I need first. And usually after getting what I need, I'm out of money. I would get a job but if I do part-time I'd probably have to do an afternoon shift which ends after sunset and then I'll be raped again. In fact, I did have a holiday job but Satan decided to take my money as if he didn't earn enough.

It's frustrating and heart breaking that your father won't care for you at all, he won't get you anything, he won't help you with anything, he doesn't even talk to you and yet he steals what you worked hard to earn. It truly and really is painful. Sometimes I want to kill him. But unfortunately I'm not a bad person. So I suffer in silence.

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