The Dead Celestials

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I'll explain everything at the end of this chappie but for now let me deliver the chapter~

Erza and MiraJane

Erza and MiraJane we're stunned as a Lucy look alike came out from the summoned dagger. She had on a pink royal dress torn and withered. Her hair was in a messed up bun, many pieces of her hair fallen out the bun that could barely hold together. Her face was deathly pale as tears kept pouring from her face and a distraught torn look on her face.

"I-Is that?" MiraJane asked fearing it was Lucy she had to hurt.

"No I think thats Layla, Lucy's mother." Erza said recalling the photos in the mansion when they were on the hunt for the clock pieces.

"Oh you seem to know this women? I collected her soul as she watched over a little child being hurt by her father. Regretting that she died and left her child behind, I took her and shes a powerful one at that. The Weeping Mother looks into your soul and rips you bit by bit for any regretful thing you've done." The women smiled evily and nodded at Layla.

When Layla made eye contact with Erza and MiraJane the two collapsed.

With Juvia

"We can assure you Gray for a lifetime Juvia." Spoke the voices invading Juvias mind.

"L-lifetime with Gray-Sama?" Juvia asked feeling more woozy.

"Yes just KiLl EvErYoNe In YoUr WaY!" Juvia felt her body and mind wanting to give in.

But when the Bear said everyone, she thought of everyone at the guild. Weren't they in her way? She thought of everyone's smiling faces.... Being beside Gray. They were weren't they? But them she saw everyone smiling at her with Lucy in the front after the battle in the tower smiling with tears in her eyes. She saw the Lucy that heard Juvia's pleas and didnt abandon her. Juvia saw Lucy all torn up and hurt hugging her out of relief when Juvia was released from the spell. She saw Gajeel supporting her with his chuckle. She saw her guild cheering her on in the side lines when Juvia fought during the Grand Magic Games.

Juvia let out a rage cry and blasted the bear and girl off her with boiling water, "You're wrong! Juvia loves Gray-Sama but Juvia loves Fairy Tail too! They are Juvia's family they accepted Juvia no matter how hard Juvia! Juvia will hurt no one especially her family!"

"She broke free from Konogi and I?! Thats never happened!" The girl cried out as both of them crashed into a wall.

"Juvia will not be fooled and used! Juvia will not let you taint her love for Gray-Sama!" The Fairy Tail mage continued to shout, "Water Geyser!"

The Bear and girl collapsed on the ground from Juvia's rage burst only for the ground to break from beneath them and scorching water gush from the break in the ground. The girl screamed in pain and the bear growled. After Juvia stopped casting her spell the girl was weak with burns and the bear looked down at her.

The girl seemed to realize what was going to happen, "W-wait you havent fulfilled my w-wish please don-!" The bear reached down and chomped down on the girl.

Juvia gasped in shock as she washed the girl get swallowed and Konogi grew in strength and power. Konogi let out a super sonic roar that Juvia dodged in the nick of time and the walls that were affected by the boom collapsed. Konogi launched at Juvia and the Water Woman transformed into a puddle on the other side of the demon bear.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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